The influential influence of Ancient Rome and its impact on the world can still be felt even in the present day. While many aspects and legacies of this one-time mighty empire live on throughout the modern world, it is easy to forget the reasons why Rome became such a huge force in world history. From its powerful military prowess to its great contributions to art, music, and engineering, Ancient Rome changed the world in profound ways.
One of the greatest reasons why Ancient Rome stands out as a major player in world history is its astounding military might and technological prowess. The well-oiled Roman military machine was a juggernaut that conquered a vast swath of the Mediterranean, laying the foundation for the sprawling Roman Empire. Thanks to innovative engineering of the time, Rome was able to construct an extensive network of roads and aqueducts that aided in the movement of armies and resources throughout the empire.
The enduring legacy of Ancient Rome is largely due to its lasting culture and artistic achievements. The golden age of the Roman Republic saw
an unprecedented level of cultural prosperity. Great writers of drama and poetry, such as Virgil and Horace, as well as renowned leaders such as Cicero, helped to shape Roman society. Together they wrote some of the greatest works of literature in the world.
Likewise, Rome was home to some of the greatest architects of the time, who created masterpieces such as the Pantheon, the Colosseum, and the Temple of Jupiter. Their work has gone on to influence generations of architects and engineers who have come after them. Even today, these buildings act as living reminders of the greatness of Ancient Rome.
Rome’s influence in the science and mathematics world was remarkable for its time. The works of Archimedes and Euclid are some of the most renowned pieces of mathematics ever written, and their teachings would go on to be used and built upon for centuries to come. Philosophers such as Cicero and Marcus Aurelius also had a profound effect on the world, their writings on ethics and moral theories helping to shape the way we think about moral philosophy today.
Finally, the political system of Ancient Rome helped shape the modern world and societies. The Senate and other political institutions ushered in laws such as the Twelve Tables and the Justinian Code, which would be written into law in many countries around the world. Many of our modern governments in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Africa are all based in some form on the political framework of Ancient Rome.
Final Impact of Ancient Rome
It’s evident that Ancient Rome had a great impact on the world, from its lasting political systems to its renowned works of art, literature, and engineering. Even after its fall, the empire continued to create a lasting legacy that would go on to have a huge impact on world civilizations for centuries to come. Despite its downfalls, Rome was a unique and powerful force in human history and its influence can still be seen today.
Significant Figures in Roman History
Some of the most famous figures in history come from Ancient Roman times and include some of the most influential figures in the world. Julius Caesar, who was both a brilliant military strategist and statesman, would become a legend throughout the ages. On the military side, his campaigns were so successful that it made Rome the superpower of its time. Many of his military tactics are still studied to this day. On the political end, Caesar would ultimately bring about the fall of the Roman Republic, paving the way for the powerful Roman Empire.
Other influential figures from Roman history include the great Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, the architect Vitruvius, and Catiline, the senator considered to be one of Rome’s most cunning and dangerous adversaries. Each of these figures helped shape the history of the Roman world in their own unique way. For example, Catiline’s failed attempt at overthrowing the government would help re-establish the Roman Republic and usher in a new era of peace and stability. Similarly, Vitruvius’s architectural works would inspire countless generations of architects, while Marcus Aurelius’s writings on ethics and moral philosophy would shape the way we think about moral philosophy today.
Religious Beliefs in Ancient Rome
Religion was an important part of Roman life. According to Roman mythology, the gods were responsible for protecting the people and keeping them safe. Romans believed that rituals and sacrifices were necessary in order to gain favor from the gods and bring good luck. This belief resulted in a strong sense of superstition, with people constantly paying attention to omens and signs from the gods. People would often consult fortune tellers and soothsayers for guidance, a practice that still exists today.
The most popular gods in the Roman pantheon included Jupiter, the King of gods, as well as Juno, Mars, Mercury, and Venus. Each of these gods was associated with particular aspects of life, such as nature, war, communication, and love. Eventually, Christianity would become the official religion of the Roman Empire, but the worship of traditional Roman gods and goddesses continued among the populace. Even today, some of the basic gods and goddesses of Roman mythology can still be found in popular culture and literature worldwide.
Education System in Roman Times
The Ancient Roman education system was based on the Greek model and focused on training its citizens in the arts of rhetoric, grammar, and literature. Education was a privilege of the upper classes and was typically focused on teaching boys to be good citizens and public speakers. They were also taught etiquette and social graces. Girls were not provided with formal instruction, but they were taught to read and write in their homes.
The education system heavily favored Greek philosophy and literature, with Cicero’s writings being held up as a model for aspiring students. Similarly, the basic elements of Latin grammar were a major part of education in Roman times. This emphasis on language and rhetoric would go on to shape many future literary works and would help to develop Latin into a language of immense domination in later centuries.
Beyond the classroom, the most instructive part of Roman education was the debate. Debates and speeches held in the Senate and other legislative bodies gave students a chance to express their ideas and hone their rhetorical skills. This formal practice helped to instill a sense of participation and responsibility in the young citizens, and was a crucial part of Roman power.
Rome and its Importance in Modern Times
Though Ancient Rome has long since passed, its influence and importance continue to be felt throughout the world, both in the tangible legacies left by the empire and in the abstract legacies of its culture, literature, and philosophy. By looking at the various aspects of Roman life, we can gain insight into how and why Rome remains an important part of our past and our present.
Today, many of the aspects that made Rome such a great power are still reflected in our own societies. The engineering feats, technological innovations, and cultural achievements all point to a society that was ahead of its time, in many ways far more advanced than the world has ever seen. By understanding the reasons why Rome was so influential, we can begin to shape our own societies into better versions of ourselves.
The legacy of Ancient Rome is one that continues to reverberate through the ages. Its lasting influence on societies around the world is proof of its greatness and importance. Though it has been gone for thousands of years, its impact and significance remain clear. In the present day, we can still find countless echoes of its greatness in our own societies, from its great works of literature, art, and engineering, to its enduring political systems and profound religious beliefs.