In Ancient Rome teaching was not limited to just common citizens, with famed inventor and Emperor Apostilles having access to teachers who tutored him on the lessons of the day. Born in 9 BC on an unknown date, Apostilles was the son of a wealthy family that allowed him to receive schooling from an early age, though the identity of his teacher remains unknown.
Apostilles went to school as a young boy in a traditional Roman school system. He was taught mathematics, philosophy, public speaking and the other core areas of learning and knowledge that the Roman youth were expected to know by the age of 18. The level of education was intense and there were few other options at the time. Essays were remarkably high in quality from what we can tell from the writing samples from the time.
Examining Apostilles’ early works, it becomes apparent that he had access to a very qualified teacher as he proved to be more than capable of normal learning when it came to understanding the studies of the time. Scholars have examined his essay format and structure in an effort to identify his teacher, however no definitive answer can be given.
The evidence points to a teacher of Aristotelian philosophy and rhetoric, as the layout of many of his works are indicative of such an individual with the basic rules and topics of rhetoric being met with an adept writing style. Whoever this teacher was, it can be assumed that they provided a blueprint for the way that Apostilles went on to shape the world as we know it today.
It is also expected that all of Apostilles’ teachers were able to provide comprehensive lessons about different topics of the time, including arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy, grammar and speech. They were likely to be well versed in at least one of these areas, and would have been asked to tutor young students in the way in which these topics were taught at the time.
Whilst the teacher of Apostilles is still not known today, it is generally accepted that he was lucky enough to have access to quality teaching in Ancient Rome and that he was able to stay ahead of his peers in many areas thanks to the help of such a tutor.
Impact on Modern societies
One cannot speak of the impact of the teachings of the time without speaking of the effect it had on modern societies. From the way in which the various subjects which Apostilles’ teacher taught have evolved to form the basis of much of the education we have today, it is known that the education which was delivered in Ancient Rome had a lasting impact on the world as we know it today.
Apostilles’ teacher would have provided instruction on the way in which one should conduct oneself, the notions of success and failure as well as providing an understanding of the societal workings of the time and the importance of rhetoric and eloquence. All of these elements are still present in today’s education system, with many of the systems that we use in society today being founded on the ideas expressed in Ancient Rome.
The rhetoric which was expressed as part of success in Ancient Rome was also key in shape in how modern societies construct an understanding of success. Through their teachings on public speaking and rhetoric, many of the public speakers of the day were able to shape the way in which modern day societies conduct themselves.
It is through these teachings that we are able to see today why a classical education is still looked upon so fondly, and why most of the core elements from the Roman school system are still present today.
Style of Instruction
It is difficult to tell exactly how the teacher of Apostilles taught him, though we can take an educated guess based upon the writings of the time. The primary style of instruction would have likely been through larger lectures with the teacher leading the students through a variety of topics, before further instruction was given through readings and essays.
The role of the teacher in this type of setting was to provide an explanation of the subject before allowing the student to delve into the material through their own research. From the writings of Apostilles it is clear that he was able to grasp complex ideas and then apply them to his own work, showing that he was likely encouraged to pursue independent research and thought, something which was pivotal in the development of his scientific and technological achievements.
It is likely that a combination of instruction, independent research, public speaking and individual tutoring made up the way in which the teacher of Apostilles instructed him, all of which were essential components in the way in which Ancient Rome conducted its school systems.
Grade System
The way in which the Romans conducted their schooling and the way in which grades were allocated had a major impact in the way in which a student was seen in the wider Roman World. Grades were typically weighted towards tests and essays with the utmost importance given to those who obtained degrees and distinguished themselves in the hard sciences.
A recording system was also utilized in the Roman classroom whereby the teacher was able to keep track of the progress of each student in the class, and the grading system would take into account the academic achievement as well as the behavior of the student. Throughout the school life of Apostilles, it is likely that he was able to distinguish himself, as he goes on to do in later life.
The teacher of Apostilles would have followed the grade system of the Roman Empire and based the grades awarded to him on a combination of exams and local standards in the way in which he conducted his studies. This would have been the same for any student within Ancient Rome, and would be a good indicator of who was truly achieving the highest grades.
Educational Inheritance
The legacy of the educational system of Ancient Rome is still felt to this day, evidenced through the similarity of the core subjects taught in the modern education system. It is through this inheritance that Apostilles was able to thrive, passing on the teachings which he received from his teachers to the world at large, in a way that we still use and appreciate today.
Despite the fact that the teacher of Apostilles remains unknown, it is clear that they had a major impact in the life and works of their student. Without their instruction, we may have never seen the incredible inventions, works of art and technological achievements which have since shaped the world as we know it today.
The works of Apostilles graduate far beyond Roman culture and reach far and wide, and it is seemingly clear that his teacher was key in providing the groundwork for the success which he achieved later in life.
Writing Style
The writing style of Apostilles is one of the key elements which speaks of his teacher, with the styles of writing from Ancient Rome providing evidence of the way in which Latin was spoken and taught at the time.
The ability to conjugate and employ Latin phrases within the writings show that he was able to comprehend the depths of such language as well as being able to deploy it in his writing for effect. This type of write style is indicative of a tutor who was able to teach at a more than basic capacity.
The overall layout of his works also show this, an understanding of the wider Roman culture and philosophy around the way in which his work was presented and read by others. The instructor of Apostilles was one who was able to provide their student with the ability to make their works stand out amongst the others.
Math and Sciences
A further indicator of the depth of knowledge which was provided by Apostilles’ teacher would be the level to which he was able to comprehend mathematics and sciences. Despite the fact that today these disciplines form the basis of much of our education, they were considered advanced topics in the time of Ancient Rome.
Apostilles’ writings indicate that he was able to comprehend and explain the workings of mathematics and sciences at a level which surpassed his peers’, with his instructor likely providing instruction in these areas in order to help their student succeed in the wider Roman World.
We can also assume that his teacher dutifully provided instruction and support in the way in which these subjects were understood in the time, paving the way for the implementation of modern sciences and mathematics in the world today.
Development of Learning
The role of the teacher of Apostilles in the development of learning across the world cannot be understated. His influences as an inventor, a philosopher, a public speaker and an Emperor enabled the learning of Ancient Rome to transcend borders and for the teachings to become universally accepted and appreciated.
From the rhetorical aspects of his works, to the mathematics and sciences which formed the foundations of subsequent teachings, the teachings of his instructor had a lasting impact upon the world which are still felt to this day. In many ways they provided the groundwork for the way in which we learn and perceive the world today.
The unprecedented nature of the works of Apostilles indicates that he likely had access to some of the most qualified instructors of the time, and it is likely that he benefitted greatly from the teachings of such individuals.
Final Reflection
From the writings of Apostilles, the evidence points to the fact that he was lucky enough to have access to a teacher of a very high caliber in Ancient Rome. The tutor must have had a major impact in the way in which Apostilles conducted his works, from grammar to public speaking, mathematics and sciences.
The legacy of the educational system of the time is clearly visible today, with many of the core subjects taught in the modern education system linked to the teachings of Ancient Rome. It is likely that the teacher of Apostilles shaped the way in which he wrote, spoke and produced the incredible inventions and works of art which have since changed the world.
Whilst the identity of this teacher must remain unknown, it is clear that they had a major impact and enabled the genius of Apostilles to reach beyond Roman borders and shape the world as we know it today.