Rise of the Plebeian Class
The poor in ancient Rome have always been an important presence. From the lowest of slaves to the lowest of the free citizens – known as the Plebeian class – the poor have played an important role in the development of Rome. This article takes a closer look at the myths and misconceptions related to the poor in Ancient Rome.
Many people falsely believe that the poor in Ancient Rome were treated poorly and denied most of the basic rights enjoyed by the rest of the population. This neglect was common in many other ancient civilizations, but it was not the case in Rome. Roman citizens were protected by a complex and intricate series of laws and regulations which ensured that the rights of the poor were respected. For example, Roman citizens were guaranteed the right to give testimony in court, the right to seek redress for any wrongs done to them, the right to own land, and the right to participate in the legislative process.
Furthermore, the government provided assistance to the poor such as a social safety net and subsidies to help them survive. These benefits were much more advanced than what was available in other parts of the world at the time. The government also implemented various public works projects to help combat poverty and provide job opportunities. These projects included building roads, aqueducts and other public works such as temples and baths.
The Plebeian class did experience difficult times under the rule of some Roman emperors, but despite their lowly status, they still retained much of their rights. This is evidenced by the number of laws passed in their favor. Augustus, for example, passed laws in 19 BC preventing the eviction of debtors from their homes, granting the rights of inheritance to illegitimate children and granting the rights of marriage to even the poorest citizens. The emperor Trajan later passed laws dealing with the problem of runaway slaves and instituted a program of public assistance for the poor.
In Ancient Rome, the poor were not looked down upon as they were in many other societies. The concept of “pauperism” – that those who needed help were to be pitied and scorned – was not present in Rome. On the contrary, living a moral life was valued regardless of one’s economic status. For example, the Roman poet Juvenal praised the morality of the poor and criticized those who were wealthy and lazy.
The truth is that the poor in Ancient Rome were not neglected or mistreated. They were not treated differently than other citizens and they were not denied basic rights. The laws of the time actually provided a more advanced system of social and economic protection for the poor than other civilizations of the time, and many public works projects were undertaken to help combat poverty.
Role of Religion
Religion was also an important part of life for the poor in Ancient Rome. As the official religion of the state and a major tool for social control, the Roman religion provided a spiritual and moral order in which everyone was expected to participate. The major gods of the pantheon such as Jupiter and Juno were worshipped, and other deities such as the gods of the fields and the hearth were also venerated. Religious ritual was an important part of daily life and provided a connection between the gods and their worshippers.
Religion was an important tool in providing comfort to the poor. It was believed that if one followed the proper rituals, the gods would come to the aid of the worshipper. Those struggling to make ends meet would often ask the gods for assistance, and it is likely that many individuals were comforted by the thought that if they followed the proper rituals, the gods would protect them in their time of need.
The official state religion also provided an opportunity for social mobility. Priests were highly respected and powerful individuals who occupied positions of authority. By becoming a priest, an individual from a poor background could rise in social standing and even gain access to power and wealth. Similarly, becoming a soldier in the legions was an important pathway to social success, as was becoming a gladiator. Religion was also seen as a means of maintaining social cohesion, as it was believed that if people followed the proper rituals, their communities would be blessed by the gods.
Class System
In Ancient Rome, there were two main classes: the Patricians and the Plebeians. The Patricians were the wealthy landowners and political leaders who held the lion’s share of political power, while the Plebeians were the poor citizens who were excluded from politics and had little economic power. Despite the disparity in wealth, Roman law treated all citizens fairly and ensured that the rights of the poor were respected.
The Patricians were an upper class aristocratic class that owned and controlled most of the land and wielded the majority of power. The Plebeians, on the other hand, were the majority and were composed of farmers, laborers, and small traders who often lived in poverty. While the Patricians had a monopoly on political power, the Plebeians were still granted certain rights, such as the right to own land and the right to seek redress for any wrongs done to them.
The class system in Ancient Rome was not as simple as it seems. Although there were definite distinctions between the classes, there was also a lot of mobility. It was not uncommon for those from a Plebeian background to rise to power, wealth and fame. This is evidenced by the numerous examples of men such as Marcus Tullius Cicero, who rose to the heights of political power despite his humble background.
Daily Life Of The Poor
The daily life of the poor in Ancient Rome was very basic. Most lived in small tenements and made their living through manual labor and small scale farming. They were also able to find work in the legions or in the mines. The diet of the average poor family consisted of bread and other grains such as barley and millet, supplemented with legumes and vegetables.
In most cases, the poor had to resort to begging in order to survive, as they were not able to find enough paid work. Begging was frowned upon in the Roman society and was often punished with arbitrary fines or imprisonment. Despite the harsh penalties, begging was a necessary evil in some cases.
Education was not widely available to the poor, and even those who managed to get some sort of basic schooling often had difficulty finding work. Those lucky enough to find employment in the legions or in other government positions such as police officers or administrators were often able to carve out a relatively comfortable living.
Health Care
The health care of the poor in Ancient Rome was very basic. Medicine was mostly administered by priests, who used religious ritual and prayer in the treatment of disease. There were also some physicians who specialized in the treatment of ailments, but these were expensive and beyond the reach of the majority of the population.
The government provided some basic health-care benefits, but most of these were for the elderly and disabled, not for the poor. Although the wealthy had access to expensive medical treatment, the poor often had to rely on the herbs and other natural remedies which they were able to obtain.
Although life for the poor was difficult, there were some measures in place which sought to improve their quality of life. For example, it was illegal to abandon elderly or sick relatives, and harsh punishments were given to those who did. It was also illegal to sell food at exorbitant prices, and the government launched campaigns against those guilty of this crime.
Social Uprising And Reforms
While the poor in Ancient Rome faced numerous hardships, there were a number of uprisings during the imperial period which sought to improve their circumstances. For example, the famous “Twelve Tables” were a set of laws passed in 451 BC which recognized the rights of the poor and attempted to protect them from egregious abuses of power.
In addition, the laws of Augustus provided some social and economic protection for the poor. Under his rule, he instituted a number of reforms aimed at improving the lives of the poor, such as providing social security and subsidies for food, as well as public works projects to create employment opportunities. Other emperors such as Trajan also implemented various measures aimed at improving the lot of the poor.
In conclusion, the statement that the poor in Ancient Rome were neglected and treated poorly is false. While they did suffer under the rule of some emperors, they retained their basic rights and were legally protected in many ways. The government also provided assistance to the poor, and some measures were taken in order to improve their living conditions.