Which Government Is More Democratic Ancient Rome Or The Us

Overview of Ancient Rome’s Democracy

It is a common misconception that Ancient Rome was an undemocratic society. The truth is that Ancient Rome had a more progressive and democratic government than has been historically recognized. The Roman Republic was in fact a much more democratic government than that of the United States of America, even though it had its limitations.

Ancient Rome had elections that allowed citizens to directly choose who filled important political roles. The popular assembly members were chosen by the people and were responsible for creating laws, and electing consuls annually.

The Roman Senate was composed of wealthy and powerful elites (patricians) who were elected by the people of Rome. They held the power to pass laws, create treaties, and in general, determine the direction of the Republic.

However, this democracy was limited by an exclusion of the lower class from many activities that the privileged class was allowed. Women, for example, had very few rights and could not hold any kind of political office. Slaves and foreigners were excluded from participating in the democratic process altogether.

Ancient Roman democracy was a big step forward from the monarchy it replaced and set a precedent for future models of government, such as the United States’ government. It provided a structure of power sharing which is still in use today.

Overview of the US American Democracy

The United States of America is often considered to be the most advanced democracy in the world. This is due to the complexity of the system, the power of the citizens to directly influence the laws, and the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. This system of checks and balances is known as the “American model” of government, and is an example that the rest of the world looks up to.

At the highest level, US American democracy consists of a president, Congress and Supreme Court who share the power among themselves. The president can create and repeal laws, but must be approved by Congress. The Supreme Court interprets any potential conflicts between states. Every citizen over the age of 18 is entitled to vote and is a part of the US American democracy. Foreigners, women, minorities and the poor all have equal rights.

Unlike in Ancient Rome, US American democracy is a multicultural and tolerant system. People of all backgrounds, social classes and religions are able to take part in the system. In addition, the US constitution protects the civil liberties of all its citizens.

The US American democracy is unique in its ability to be responsive to its citizens. The federal government is able to respond quickly to the needs of its citizens, whether it be economic or social, which is a major advantage of the US American system over the Ancient Roman one.

Comparative Analysis

Both Ancient Rome and the United States of America have democratic governments. However, it is clear that the US American system is much more democratic than the Roman one. Whereas Ancient Rome was limited by an exclusion of the lower classes, the US American system guarantees the rights of all citizens, regardless of social class or gender. Furthermore, the US American system is responsive to its citizens, while the Ancient Roman system allowed only the wealthy and powerful to have a say in government policy.

In more recent times, the US American democracy has been plagued by extreme inequalities and a lack of transparency in government. This has led to distrust and a general disengagement of the citizens in the political process. It has also created political dead ends that have made it easier for powerful special interest groups to influence policy. On the other hand, Ancient Roman democracy was much more direct and allowed citizens to have a much greater say in the running of their government.

Impact on Politics Today

The influence of Ancient Roman democracy can still be seen in modern day politics. Many countries, such as the United States, have adopted a system of government which is based on the ideas of the Roman Republic. This includes the idea of checks and balances, separation of powers and the inclusion of all citizens in the political process.

The US also has adopted some of the more progressive features of Ancient Rome, such as the right to vote and the notion that no citizen should be excluded from participating in the political process. These ideals of democracy are still in practice today, and are some of the core foundations of the US government.

However, the US system is much more complex and has more checks and balances than Ancient Rome. This system of checks and balances has made it difficult for citizens to directly influence their government, leading to a lack of public confidence in the government and in the political process.

Role of the Media

The media has a large role to play in both ancient Rome and the US American democracy. In Ancient Rome, the media was mainly used as a tool to criticize the government and spread news of political events. The press in Ancient Rome was free to publish information about the government, even though this sometimes meant facing harsh criticism from the ruling elites.

Today, in the US, the media is a powerful tool for citizens to learn about the government, its policies, and have their voices heard. The media helps citizens stay informed and provides a platform for them to express their opinions. Additionally, the US media is often highly critical of government policies, which helps in keeping politicians accountable.

However, the US media is also subject to manipulation by special interests and powerful elites. This is why it is important for citizens to be aware of the media and to find reliable sources of information.

Impact on Living Standards

The Ancient Roman government was able to provide a relatively high standard of living for its citizens, with access to basic services such as health care, education and food. Rome had an extensive public infrastructure and was able to maintain a strong economy through taxation and trade.

Currently, the US American system provides citizens with a high standard of living. Citizens have access to healthcare, education and a wide range of social services. The US has a much stronger economy than Ancient Rome, which is largely due to the complex set of checks and balances that are in place in the US government.

However, there is also a large gap between the living standards of the wealthy and the poor in the US. This has led to an unequal distribution of resources, which has in turn led to inequality and a general dissatisfaction with the government and the political system.

The Impact of Technology

Technology has had a huge impact on both Ancient Rome and the modern US American democracy. In Ancient Rome, technology was used to maintain roads and other infrastructure, as well as to facilitate trade and communication.Advances in technology have allowed for the far-reaching influence of the US American democracy. The use of computers and the internet has enabled citizens to stay connected and informed about their government, as well as to participate in the democratic process.

Technology has also helped to increase transparency and accountability in the US American system. Citizens are now better able to research their government and its actions, as well as check on the accuracy of official statements. Additionally, technology has made it easier for citizens to communicate their opinions and share their views with others.

However, technology has also made it easier for government agencies to collect data on citizens without their knowledge, leading to potential privacy issues. It has also led to an increased reliance on artificial intelligence, which can be difficult to regulate and control.


In conclusion, both Ancient Rome and the modern US American democracy have their merits and criticisms. Ancient Rome had a more direct and equitable system of government, but was marred by an exclusion of the lower classes from participating in the political process. The US American system is more complex, with a separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches and a system of checks and balances. It holds citizens to a higher standard, but is also more prone to manipulation by powerful interest groups. Technology has had a profound impact on both systems, allowing more access to information, but also threatening privacy and security. Despite their differences, both systems have had a lasting impact on modern day politics and have set a precedent for others to follow.

Moshe Rideout is a professional writer and historian whose work focuses on the history of Ancient Rome. Moshe is passionate about understanding the complexity of the Roman Empire, from its architecture to its literature, political systems to social structures. He has a Bachelor's degree in classic studies from Rutgers University and is currently pursuing a PhD in classical archaeology at UMass Amherst. When he isn't researching or writing, he enjoys exploring ruins around Europe, drawing inspiration from his travels.

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