Why Was Ancient Rome Research So Important

To understand why ancient Rome research was so important, one must first understand the expansive and expansive empire that defined the Roman world. Founded in 753 BCE by Romulus and Remus on the banks of the Tiber River in Italy, the Roman Republic quickly grew, evolving from a small city-state into a superpower during its heyday from the third to first centuries BCE. While initially, Ancient Rome’s reach only extended to western Europe and the coastline of North Africa, at its height, the Roman Empire encompassed, for a time, most of the European continent, large parts of the Middle East, and lands bordering the Mediterranean sea.

The incredible power of the Roman Empire was only possible because of the way it was organised, so that it could benefit from its immense resources. Ancient Roman research revealed a sophisticated system of government, with clear divisions of power and responsibility among its citizens. This system allowed for efficient law enforcement, taxation, and management of resources, as well as a form of direct democracy in which citizens participated directly in the legislative and executive processes. This important research was vital in providing an understanding of the power dynamics of the Roman Empire, allowing it to be studied, analysed, and improved upon.

One of the most important aspects of classical Roman research was its legal code, establishment of courts and laws, as well as the system of justice itself. As the Roman Empire expanded, so did its laws, which provided the basis for the establishment of universal standards and customs across a large number of regions. Roman law was considered to be a model for many European countries, and its ideas are still relevant today. Additionally, Roman art and architecture provide insights into the customs and lifestyles of the Roman people and their empires.

Research into Ancient Rome gave scholars insight into its immensely complex system of taxation and economy. Roman money-making methods were very successful, enabling immense wealth accumulation. The Roman Empire had a market-oriented economy that facilitated trade, both local and international. This is why Ancient Roman research was an important aspect in understanding the role of economics and money in ancient societies.

In addition to the study of economics, Roman research also gave scholars insights into the city’s social and political structure. Understanding the intricate system of government, with its senate and consuls, was essential to understanding the Roman culture. Roman language, literature, and philosophy were also studied extensively, providing insights into the world views and ideologies of the era.

Finally, Ancient Rome research is important for the history of Western civilisation. Ancient Rome was the birthplace of Western civilisation, and without an understanding of its reality and functioning, it would not be possible to understand the context in which much of the subsequent development of Western culture took place. As such, Ancient Rome research is essential in order to understand the broader context of much of the history and culture of the world as we know it today.

Military Power

One of the major contributions of classical Roman research is the focus on the Roman military machine and its influence on the empire. The invention of the legionary, a unique form of infantry, allowed Rome to easily expand its holdings with a well-trained and experienced fighting force. Additionally, the incorporation of cavalry troops and diverse forms of siege weaponry allowed Rome to effectively take on almost any engagement with a significant force. Research on Roman siege weapons, for example, has offered a great deal of insight into the strategies and tactics employed by Ancient Rome in combat.

The construction of strategic locations, such as forts and walled cities, provided the Roman Legion with a place to rest in between their military engagements and also gave them a defensive advantage against potential attackers. The study of Ancient Roman engineering and architecture is essential to the study and understanding of Roman military ability and power.

Additionally, the Roman practice of levies, or the use of conquered people to join the Roman Legion as auxiliaries, allowed the Roman armies to have a steady supply of foot soldiers and resources. This was often done by forcing conquered people to join the Roman army, a practice that was instrumental in allowing the Roman Empire to establish and maintain its dominion over other nations.

The Roman Empire was also able to use its navy and fleet of warships to protect its settlements, as well as to transport troops and goods across their expansive territories. Research on the ships, weapons, and strategies employed by the ancient Roman naval forces is essential to understanding the ancient world and Roman military power.

Finally, the successful combination of different methods and resources allowed Rome to establish and maintain a powerful military machine that ultimately enabled the Roman Empire to rise to superpower status.

Political System

Ancient Roman research has also helped to shed light on the sophisticated political system established by the Romans. It was the Roman constitution that enabled the centralized power structure within the Roman Empire, with each of its constituent parts represented by its own regional legislature. The Senate and Consuls, key positions within the government, were instrumental in the enactment of laws, development of strategies, and formulation of policy.

Additionally, the concept of Roman citizenship gave all citizens of the Empire equal rights and privileges, such as the right to vote, own property, and pursue a career. This was a key concept that allowed many of the Roman citizens to achieve political and economic success, and it has been adopted and implemented in numerous countries in subsequent centuries.

The Roman political system was also incredibly complex, with intricate social structures, classes, and levels of authority that enabled citizens to participate in their government in various ways. From emperors to governors, the bureaucracy of the Roman Empire had a powerful impact on the society, and understanding the intricacies of the Roman government is essential for an understanding of the politics of Ancient Rome.

Finally, the study of Roman Literature is essential for understanding the political culture of the Roman Empire. Political literature from Ancient Rome is often full of insight, offering insights into the political ideologies, beliefs, and motivations of the Roman people.

Cultural Impact

Classical Roman research also helps to uncover the cultural impact of Ancient Rome on the world today. Roman art and architecture, literature, and philosophy still have an influence on the way we think and live today. The influence of Roman culture is seen in various aspects of our lives – in art, language, religion, law, and politics.

The Roman alphabet is derived from the Etruscan alphabet, and it is still in use today in many languages. Roman architecture and art have been influential in different cultures, especially in the traditional architecture of Europe, where many buildings are modelled after Ancient Roman designs. Much of the language spoken in schools today was influenced by the Latin language.

Finally, the Roman conception of law and justice provided the basis for many of the laws and legal processes in use today. Ancient Roman law is still in use in many countries around the world, and it has also been applied to cities, giving them a distinctive legal character. Research on Ancient Rome provides a better understanding of the influences it had on the development of law and government.

Influence on Modern Societies

Ultimately, Ancient Rome research has greatly influenced our current understanding of the world. Many of the modern political and legal systems, including our own, have roots in Roman civilisation. Additionally, the artwork, literature, and architecture of Ancient Rome have served as touchstones for many subsequent cultures.

Political thinking and philosophy from Ancient Rome are still highly influential. Its conception of politics and government, law, justice, economics, and military power continues to shape many of the major philosophies and ideologies of the world today. Without a comprehensive understanding of Ancient Rome, it would be impossible to fully understand the world in which we live.

Roman Religion and Beliefs

Classical Roman research has also uncovered the importance of religion in Ancient Rome. While the traditional pantheon of gods and goddesses is still remembered and celebrated today, Ancient Roman religion manifested in both polytheistic and monotheistic forms. This polytheistic understanding of the world was deeply rooted in Roman mythology, and the gods and goddesses of Ancient Rome were seen as powerful forces in the lives of everyday citizens.

Additionally, Ancient Rome was also influenced by several philosophies, such as Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Cynicism. These philosophical schools of thought were important in understanding the beliefs of the Romans and provided them with rationalization and guidance in their everyday life.

Roman religion was not limited to the gods and goddesses, however. Ancient Roman religion was closely tied to the state, with priests acting as intermediaries between the gods and their worshippers, offering sacrifices and performing rituals. There were also many cults and sects within Roman religion, such as the cults of Magna Mater, Isis, Mithras, and Cybele.

Ancient Rome research has also revealed the importance of religious festivals in the Roman way of life. Such festivals were an important part of the Roman calendar and provided citizens with an opportunity to honour their gods and goddesses, as well as celebrate their culture.


Ultimately, Ancient Rome research is essential in understanding the diverse legacies that the Roman Empire has left behind. The Roman Empire left an indelible impact on the cultures and societies that followed, with many of its key concepts, such as law, technology, and culture, still present in modern-day life. Even more importantly, classical Roman research provides an important insight into the workings of power and the interplay of ancient societies and cultures, allowing us to understand and appreciate our world today.

Moshe Rideout is a professional writer and historian whose work focuses on the history of Ancient Rome. Moshe is passionate about understanding the complexity of the Roman Empire, from its architecture to its literature, political systems to social structures. He has a Bachelor's degree in classic studies from Rutgers University and is currently pursuing a PhD in classical archaeology at UMass Amherst. When he isn't researching or writing, he enjoys exploring ruins around Europe, drawing inspiration from his travels.

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