The form of government in ancient Rome was highly influenced by its neighbors in Greece. As such, its original form was an oligarchy, similar to the Greek city-state of Athens. Roman history reveals that the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC by the legendary twin brothers Romulus and Remus, and the earliest form of government established here was an oligarchy. This form of government remained in place in Rome until 616 BC, when the monarchy was established by its first King, Lucius Tarquinius Priscus.
In this form of government, a small number of magistrates, referred to as consuls, were elected to rule the city. The consuls were some of the most influential citizens within the city, and only those of proper birth could be chosen as a consul. They acted as both head of state and head of government, and their job was to decide on the city’s laws, system of taxation, religious beliefs and even the military operations. It was a system of government that was meant to represent the masses but in reality, the consuls were largely concerned with protecting the interests of the elites.
The consuls had another important power: they could appoint two Praetors, who served as chief executive officers and commanded the military. This was a system that many other empires of the period copied, including the Chinese and the Persians. The consuls also had the power to appoint a Censor, whose job it was to ensure that the state of Rome’s finances were kept in check and that the laws were fair.
The ancient Roman government also included a Senate, which was composed of upper-class citizens called patricians. The Senate was a body of advisors to the King and the consuls, and was responsible for ratifying treaties and laws. The Senate held substantial power as it could approve or reject any law proposed by the consuls. The Senate held immense influence and could even determine who and when a consul could be replaced.
The form of government in ancient Rome had a strong influence on the modern Western world. Its institutions and laws, including the code of civil law developed by the great jurist Ulpian, laid the foundation for many of the laws and constitution of modern western nations. Its constitutional ideals, such as the principle of “rule of law” instead of “rule of man”, influenced countless minds throughout the years.
In conclusion, in ancient Rome, the first form of government was an oligarchy that was eventually replaced by a monarchy in 616 BC. This form of government was highly influential in the Greek city-state of Athens and was admired by many other empires of the period. It is important to note that the Roman form of government had a strong influence on modern Western countries and to this day many of its institutions and laws are still in place.
Roman Legal System
Part of the Roman government that helped to define it was the legal system. The Romans developed the basis for many of today’s laws, including for instance maritime law. The Law of the Twelve Tables was a set of laws created in 451 BC, which had the goal of standardizing laws and making them available for all to see. The importance of this law was that it provided a certain level of protection for citizens; many of the laws in it were ones from the Greek city-states but most had modifications that gave citizens more rights. These laws were enshrined in the Constitution of the Roman Republic, which formed the backbone of the legal system in the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire.
The Law of the Twelve Tables was used to regulate the rights of citizens, their duties and even other rights such as inheritance and property. Later, during the Roman Empire, a set of laws called the Justinian Code was developed which revised and combined the earlier laws into an even more comprehensive and unified system. This code remained in place until the fall of the Roman Empire.
Political Life
Political life in ancient Rome was dominated by the patrician class and the Senate. The Senate had a significant influence in the political life of the city, both in its internal affairs and foreign policy. Its power was largely based on its ability to appoint magistrates and senators, enact laws, declare war, ratify treaties and decide on expenditures, among many other rights.
The Senate was made up of 300 members and all of them had to be patricians. As a consequence, only patricians could be elected as a consul or senator. This aspect of the Rome’s system of government caused a lot of resentment, since the plebeians were excluded from political power.
In addition to the Senate, the political life in Rome was also filled by assemblies. These assemblies were divided by social and economic class and were the primary way in which the people of Rome were able to express their opinion and make their voices heard. Some of the most important assemblies were the Concilium Plebis, which was made up of all the common people, and the Comitia Centuriata, which was composed of the members of the military.
Social Structure
The social structure of ancient Rome was largely based on the class system. This system divided Roman society into patricians, the wealthy upper class, and plebeians, the lower class citizens. The most powerful citizens were usually members of the patricians while the plebeians had as their main function providing manpower for the military, offering services and providing goods.
The patricians were the citizens who had the most power in Rome and were those who held the highest offices. In contrast, the plebeians were the citizens who occupied the other end of the social hierarchy and were those who had the least power and influence in Rome, as well as the lowest social status.
The structure of the Roman class system was largely based on wealth. The patricians had the most wealth and, consequently, the most power, while the plebeians had much less, if any. This wealth inequality played a major role in the Roman social hierarchy, and it allowed the wealthier patricians to dominate the political and religious affairs of the city.
Cultural Life
Cultural life in ancient Rome was vibrant and many aspects of Roman culture were shared throughout the empire. Art and literature flourished in Rome, with authors such as Virgil and Ovid emerging as some of the greatest of the time. Music was also popular, with the development of music notation during the Roman period.
The development of theatre during the Roman period was highly influential in the evolution of drama. The Romans were the first to organize regular theatrical performances, which allowed theatre to become a popular subject and to be passed down to later generations. The Romans are also responsible for the development of the amphitheatre, which was the predecessor of the modern stadium.
Roman culture also had a strong religious component, as the Romans believed in many gods and goddesses. The most important “god” in the Roman pantheon was Jupiter, the king of the gods. He was seen as a protector and a symbol of justice and was particularly venerated by the ruling class. The religion of Rome was closely intertwined with the state and its laws, and religious ceremonies such as animal sacrifices were regularly held in honor of the gods.
Social Values
The ancient Romans placed a great value in keeping their public image up and having a good social standing. Political power and influential position in Roman society were often based on how well-respected an individual was among other citizens. Thus, loyalty and integrity were highly valued in Roman society, and being seen as someone of good character was highly desirable.
One way in which the Romans sought to protect their reputation was by adhering to the Roman honor code, which was an unwritten code of conduct expected of all Roman citizens. The code expected citizens to adhere to three main principles: fides (trustworthiness), pietas (dedication to one’s family and city) and virtus (valour and courage). Violation of the code was seen as a dishonourable act and could lead to a loss of face and social standing.
The Roman culture was also very family-oriented and this was reflected in its values. Family was of utmost importance and parents were expected to provide for their children and teach them the values of loyalty, respect, and integrity. The family was seen as a cornerstone of Roman society and any breach of the family unity or loyalty was frowned upon.