Roman Laws and the Roman Church
The ancient Roman Empire had a major influence on the development of marriage that continues to this day. In ancient Rome, marriage was first governed by a set of laws called the Twelve Tables. These laws established the need for a legal contract between the bride and groom, as well as the dowry given by the groom. The contracts were known as “confarreatio,” and it was up to the couple to ensure their financial arrangements were in order. As Roman culture evolved, the legal contracts morphed into a sacred ceremony that brought families together and offered a sense of stability and security in families.
The laws of the Twelve Tables were eventually codified by the Roman Church, and the Church’s influence over marriage further solidified the religious, legal and social custom of marriage. The Church saw marriage as a way to maintain control of families and them to continue following the rules of the Church such as virginity, fidelity, and forbidding marriage between Catholics and non-Catholics. In 377 A.D. the Church took it one step further by introducing the concept of indissoluble marriage. That meant marriages could not be dissolved through any means, and would remain intact in the eyes of the Church even if the couple separated.
The marriage laws in the Roman Empire were not accepted immediately by its citizens. According to the 11th-century chronicler Liutprand of Cremona, “many bishops opposed these laws but they were incapable of beating the unanimous decision of the Senate.” This resistance to the laws has been seen as an overall acceptance of the effect that marriage has on others and the respect that should be given when couples decide to make a commit to one another.
Roman Marriage Customs
The marriage customs of ancient Rome evolved over centuries as the Romans adapted and changed to the changing times. The most common type of wedding was the betrothal ceremony, which was held before the actual wedding. During this ceremony, the bride and groom exchanged rings and the bride’s father would declare the couple married. Post-wedding, couples that lived near each other became part of the same family, which was the beginning of the concept of the joint family unit.
Ancient Roman weddings often had a religious component. It was believed that the Gods blessed the union of marriage. During the wedding, there were customary prayers and offerings of sacred animals. Additionally, the bride and groom both had to take part in rituals such a smashing a plate of beans and salt, as a symbol of fertility and a reminder of the fertility that should be present in the marriage.
Roman marriages were also often steeped in traditions. The bride and groom were adorned in white, to symbolize the purity and newness of this union. Marriage contracts were also written out, which were thought to make the marriage legally binding. Couples would also exchange their wreaths in a ceremony known as Spopondere, to signify the union of two individuals.
The Legacy of Ancient Roman Marriage
The legacy of ancient Roman marriage is evident in the ways in which many modern marriages are seen and structured. The concept of the sacred union and the laws that surround it have been passed down through time and continue to shape our perceptions of marriage. Through the religious component of their marriage customs, the Romans introduced the concept of a spiritual bond that lasts for eternity, and many modern couples still include this component in their marriage ceremonies.
The legal component of Roman marriages has also been adapted into modern weddings. In many parts of the world, couples still need to present proof of marriage through a cited document or legal decree. Couples in some places still need to undergo a legal procedure or sign a contract to make their marriage official.
The customs of Roman marriage continue to be followed in many ways. In some countries, white clothing is still worn to signify purity, and couples across the world still exchange rings and wreaths during their ceremonies.
Roman Views on Love and Marriage
The ancient Romans had a complex view of love and marriage, with the belief that marriages should be based on love and understanding. This contrasted with the traditional belief that marriages should be arranged for practical or social advantages. Roman law often required parental consent and had prohibitions on incest and adultery. According to historian Lawrence Stone, Roman marriages were often organized by the families to bring about desirable social alignments, wealth, and power.
The ancient Romans also wrote extensively about love. Roman poets such as Ovid and Catullus wrote about love in a highly poetic fashion. Ovid wrote in his epic poem The Art of Love: “God of love, if I can serve you and offer devotion, grant me to be loved by the one who I adore”. Such writings by prominent Roman authors helped to immortalize and nurture Roman views on love and romance.
Roman marriages were also influenced by the concept of Stoic ideals, which focused on reason and inner restraint. Stoic ideals attempted to focus on the idea of controlling passionate emotions such as anger and lust, in order to create a more harmonious and balanced relationship between husband and wife. Furthermore, Stoic ideals viewed marriage as a union of spirit and mind, in which both partners must work together to create a harmonious, stable relationship.
Roman Marriage Today
The influence of ancient Roman marriage practices can be seen in modern culture. In many countries, including Italy, the concept of a betrothal is still practiced, with a ceremony involving a ring exchange between the couple. In some cultures, the bride and groom must go through a process of cultural courtship before they are officially married. Additionally, many modern couples continue to use customs such as exchanging wreaths and white clothing to signify their marriage.
The Roman traditions of love and marriage continue to be admired by many. It is a testament to the idea of a marriage based on genuine love and understanding, rather than arranged for practical advantages. The concept of Stoic ideals, with their focus on controlling emotion in order to create balance, is also embraced by many modern couples. Although the specific customs have changed, the concept of a loving, lifelong partnership is still one held by many couples around the world.
Roman Religion’s Impact On Marriage
The ancient Roman Empire was deeply religious, and its religious views had a profound impact on marriage. The concept of an indissoluble marriage was introduced by the Roman Church, which meant the marriage could only be dissolved by death. This was based on the idea that marriage was a sacred union, to be formed and preserved in the eyes of God. The Roman Church also saw marriage as a way to maintain control and power over families, enforcing rules such as virginity, fidelity, and prohibiting marriage between Catholics and non-Catholics.
Further, the concept of “paterfamilias,” or the father as the head of the family, was strictly enforced by the Church. This meant fathers had the rights and obligations to uphold family unity by arranging marriages for their sons and daughters and managing inheritances. The role of paterfamilias was seen as key to preserving the order of the Roman Empire and its citizens.
The legacy of Roman religious beliefs on marriage still lives on today. The idea of marriage as a sacred union continues to be embraced by many religions and is ingrained in the religious ceremonies of many cultures. Additionally, the concept of fathers as the head of the family remain in some places, influencing the notion of marriage as a way to serve practical or even political advantages.
Roman Conception of Marriage
A Roman father was expected to provide a home, financial support, and proper upbringing to his children, and the marital bond was a key force in developing the family unit within the Roman Empire. The Roman view of marriage was, in accordance with its patriarchal heritage, centered upon the husband as the head of the family. This view was further reinforced by religious values, with the husband expected to control his wife, children, and servants firmly but fairly. The Roman Empire also viewed marriage as being a source of stability in society, due to its political and economic implications.
Historians such as Tacitus acknowledged the power of marriage to bring about stability and peace between families. Marriages were meant to foster bonds between family members, both within their own family and with their extended family. During the time of the Roman Empire, marriage was seen as a symbol of status, with upper class families being expected to act as role models for lower class families. Furthermore, marriages were also historically used to maintain certain political and economic alliances.
Marriage in the Roman Empire was also subject to other legal implications. For instance, a spouse could not make more than three will clauses, or legal declarations specifying how their possessions should be distributed upon their death. A woman’s dowry was also protected by law, and Roman fathers were forbidden from marrying off their daughters before they turned 14 years old.
Roman Influence on Modern Marriage
The Roman Empire’s contributions to marriage have had a lasting influence on modern culture. The idea of marriage as a means to an end-to maintain political and economic power-remains a powerful aspect of marriage today. The concept of a sacred, indissoluble union is also still widely embraced in many parts of the world, and the religious component of marriage is still a major aspect of many ceremonies. Additionally, the Roman view of marriage as a source of stability and peace within families is still prevalent in many societies.
The influence of Roman law on marriage is also evident in modern times. Many countries around the world have adopted similar legal systems, with the requirements of a legal marriage contract and the importance of signing a document to make a marriage official. Roman views on love and romance also live on in modern culture, with the concept of passionate love and the romantic ideals of poets such as Ovid and Catullus still alive in modern works of art.
The legacy of ancient Roman marriage continues to be part of many cultures around the world. The legal, religious, and cultural contributions of the Roman Empire have shaped the way in which many people approach and view marriage today, and will continue to have an impact on marriage for years to come.