What does thumbs up mean in ancient rome?

In ancient Rome, the “thumbs up” gesture meant “everything is good” or “I approve.” It was commonly used as a way to show agreement or to give someone a positive signal. The gesture is thought to have originated in Roman gladiatorial contests, where the crowd would use the thumbs up gesture to signal that they wanted the losing gladiator to be spared. Over time, the gesture came to be used more generally as a way of indicating approval or positive feedback.

The thumbs up gesture is thought to have originated in ancient Rome, where it was used by Roman generals to signal their approval of a gladiator’s performance in the arena.

What did thumbs down mean in ancient Rome?

Gérôme’s painting popularized the idea that thumbs up signaled life, and thumbs down signaled death, for a defeated gladiator.

The classical source suggests that the default action was to kill the defeated opponent; thus, “thumbs down” would have signified that the losing gladiator was to be spared, and “thumbs up” meant he was to be killed.

What does thumbs-up mean in Italy

A thumbs-up can be a positive gesture in some cultures, but it can be insulting in others. In Italy, Greece, Iran, and Iraq, a thumbs-up is considered an offensive gesture. If you’re not sure what gesture to use in a particular culture, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid using any gesture that could be interpreted in a negative way.

I completely agree! A thumbs-up is the perfect way to show your approval.

What is the ancient Roman hand symbol?

The fig sign is a hand gesture that was used in ancient Rome as part of the Lemuria ritual. The gesture was used to ward off evil spirits of the dead. It is believed that the gesture may have originated in ancient Indian culture, where it was used to depict the lingam and yoni.

The commonly told origin of the thumbs up gesture is that it came from the Romans and their gladiatorial games. In these games, a thumbs up meant that the person wanted the person to live, and a thumbs down meant that they wanted them to die.

Where did Thumbs Up and Down originate?

The thumbs-up and thumbs-down gestures have been around for centuries and originally had very different meanings than what we use them for today. In Ancient Rome, for example, the thumbs-up gesture meant death, while pressing your thumb down on your fist meant life. Today, of course, we use them to indicate approval or disapproval.

The middle finger is a offensive gesture known around the world and is considered indecent. This gesture was also known in ancient Rome and was referred to in Latin as the digitus impudicus, meaning “shameless, indecent, or offensive finger”.

Where did the term two thumbs up come from

The terms “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” are derived from the movie review program At the Movies, hosted by Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel. The two had different tastes, and often verbally sparred and traded humorous barbs. When both critics gave the film a thumbs up, it was assumed that the film was very good.

Che cosa vuoi? (“What do you want?”) is a common Italian hand gesture that is used to express frustration, disbelief, or confusion. The gesture is made by placing the fingertips on top of each other and then flicking them outwards.

What is the offensive hand gesture in Italy?

The horns are a very popular gesture, and there are many different interpretations of what they mean. Some people believe that they are a superstitious gesture that can drive away curses or bad luck. Others believe that they are an insult.

The so-called “Italian Hand” emoji has been the subject of much debate and speculation since it was first introduced earlier this year. While its official purpose is to represent the way an Italian might ask “what do you want?,” many people interpret it differently depending on their cultural context. In some cases, it is seen as a positive gesture, while in others it is viewed as aggressive or even threatening. No matter how you interpret it, one thing is for sure: the “Italian Hand” emoji is sure to start a conversation!

What did the thumbs-up mean in the Colosseum

The judgement of a defeated gladiator in the arena was decided by the audience using a thumbs-up gesture for mercy and life, and thumbs-down for death. This allowed the people to have a say in who lived and died, and also served as a way of entertainment.

In some cultures, a thumbs up signal is interpreted as meaning “Okay” or “I agree.” However, in Iran, Afghanistan, Nigeria, South America, the Middle East, and parts of Italy and Greece, this same gesture is considered an obscene insult meaning “sit on it” – the equivalent of holding a middle finger up.

What to reply to 👍?

I’m so glad you approve of what I’m doing! Thank you so much for your support!

The she-wolf is a powerful symbol of Rome, both in ancient and modern times. The Capitoline wolf is a particularly famous depiction of the she-wolf, and is a popular icon in the city.


A thumbs up in ancient Rome meant “I approve” or “this is good.”

In ancient Rome, thumbs up meant that you approved of something.

Ellen Hunter is a passionate historian who specializes in the history of Rome. She has traveled extensively throughout Europe to explore its ancient sites and monuments, seeking to uncover their hidden secrets.

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