If it wasn’t for the passage of time and the natural deterioration of buildings, landmarks and history, what would ancient Rome look like today? Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world, founded in 753 BC, and while it endured with little modernization until modern times, it is hard to imagine its appearance today without our advanced technology, engineering works, and population explosion. To understand the potential transformation of ancient Rome into the modern day, one must consider the physical construction, infrastructure, and the social fabric that determines the behavior and lifestyle of society.
The ancient Roman structures and monuments we come to know and adore today were possible due to an immense combination of human labor and engineering prowess. Courtyard homes, concrete walls, monuments and arenas were made possible due to an empire in which architectural design and techniques, as well as an efficient distribution of materials, were enabled. Civil engineers constructed aqueducts to bring vital water sources to the metropolis and diversionary canals to direct excessive water flows away. These were underpinned by a robust infrastructure to transport goods around the city.
The social fabric of ancient Rome was very different to that of today. The population was much smaller than it is today, with most living within the city walls. This caused housing to be much more packed in and densely populated than what we are used to today. Child mortality was extremely high, and the overall health of citizens was lower than the life expectancy of today. Slaves held a large portion of the population, from which citizens would use personally or for business.
Today, a mixture of past preserved structure and modern infrastructure populate Rome as it is today. It is unlikely however, that the structures and infrastructure of ancient Rome would be as magnificent as we have come to expect. Nevertheless, modern engineering has been able to maintain some of its original structures, providing near-perfect replicas of how one would have been used in antiquity. Some of the modern adaptations to ancient Rome come alive in the form of bridges and the Sistine Chapel ceiling painting.
Considering all of these factors, if ancient Rome were to remain unchanged, it would be a very different sight and experience. There is little doubt that its natural beauty, engineering and architecture would remain. However, the population would be much smaller and the infrastructure far less complex than it is today.
The wearing away of time and the technological advancements of modern times mean it’s difficult to imagine a Rome that is almost identical in appearance to its ancient counterpart. We do, however, know that it was a much different society and one which experienced a different lifestyle and culture. Today, we have the advantage of preserved monuments and structures that give a sense of what life in ancient Rome was like.
Culture and Population
The culture of ancient Rome was vastly different from the culture today. While the population was much smaller, citizens were seen as having greater power and influence over the conclusion of politics, laws, and reigning orders in comparison to those of today. The social structure was also very hierarchical, maintaining a differentiation between the upper and lower classes. The cultural entertainment of ancient Rome was also very different; gladiator events, theatre performances and public banquets were popular at the time.
The population of ancient Rome was primarily Roman citizens, the main source of its strength and power, who worked and lived within the city. The Romans were an industrious and innovative people, but the population was relatively small compared to the population of today. Estimates for the maximum population of ancient Rome vary but there were likely between 1-2 million people in total, spread out around the whole of Italy. Despite the fact it was a much smaller population, the city still suffered from overcrowding, which was a result of the limited space of Roman-built homes.
The advancements in Roman technology had a huge influence upon the development of the city and its monuments. To construct public architecture, civil engineering was needed: aqueducts, and diversionary canals were constructed to bring water to the city. This was done using advanced technology for the time such as pulleys, cranes and other tools. Builders took advantage of a ready and abundant source of marble for their structure as a building material of choice. Additionally, the railways and carts we associate with travel today had an ancient predecessor in the form of a type of road called a via.
The sewage systems in ancient Rome were relatively effective for the time and were built up around 331 BC for the use in urban cities. These featured streets with a central gutter used to remove rainwater from the main walking zone. Aqueducts were a crucial part of the drainage system and they were connected by a network of smaller pipes to municipal baths, private homes, and fountains.
Architectural design had a key role in the construction of public and private monuments, as well as infrastructure to move goods and resources around the city. Keystone vaulting, arch bridges and multi-thronged columns were just some of the technqiues used to to construct these artifacts. These were used to help construct the Pantheon, the Colosseum, and other monumental structures that are still standing today.
Society and Influence
The people of ancient Rome were hard working and resilient; their daily lives consisted of farming, trading, or a craft of some kind. Roman politics and society were hierarchical, with a certain set of rules and laws pertaining to everything from religion to marriage. Slavery was common in ancient Rome, with a large portion of the population taken in as slaves. These were often assigned to generals by the emperor to help them fight battles or were used to build infrastructure, such as walls and monuments to strengthen the city.
Ancient Rome was extremely influential and shaped the world today in many ways. It has heavily influenced European culture and laws due to their strong Roman law system, which provided principles of legal practice that are still used today. The language of Latin was also the base for many modern European languages. In the realm of architecture, the Pantheon and Colosseum have been a source of inspiration for modern cities and buildings, with architects seeking to replicate its grandeur. Finally, Roman literature, art, and philosophy have also influenced many aspects of modern day life.
Trade and Commerce
Ancient Rome was one of the first European cities to establish an extensive trade network. It did extensive business with other parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East, with goods and resources traveling across seas, deserts and mountains. Goods such as oil and wine were the main export throughout the empire, and these were collected in the largest ports along the Mediterranean coast. Grain was another major commodity and was shipped to Rome to feed the masses.
The importance of trade networks can be seen today as trade routes lead goods around the world, connecting countries in all corners of the globe. Ancient Rome offers an interesting examination of how a powerful trade network could have multiple effects including a wide variety of industries, increased population size, and an immense influx of wealth.
Commerce and trade in ancient Rome was not only limited to goods, but also services such as inns, quaestors and financial advisors. This included moneylenders and other forms of banking and finance, a system that allowed for the growth of trade, industry and ultimately a bigger market and economy. Taxation was also an important source of income, with all citizens having to pay taxes on goods and certain citizen activities such as mining or selling food.
Evolution of Ancient Rome
The Roman Empire was vast and powerful and even though it has since fallen to ruins, the impact of ancient Rome on modern day life cannot be overstated. Many areas of modern technological, political and legal development stem from ancient Rome. It is a city of immense cultural significance, with preserved monuments and structures that offer a glimpse into the past and what it may have been like.
The evolution of ancient Rome over the course of centuries has left an indelible impression on the world today. Its many structures and monuments are admired around the world, and its contributions and influences are felt in all aspects of modern day life. Whilst we may never truly know what ancient Rome may look like today, its importance and significance will remain in our midst forever.