{"id":9963,"date":"2023-12-11T20:31:05","date_gmt":"2023-12-11T19:31:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9963"},"modified":"2023-12-11T20:31:05","modified_gmt":"2023-12-11T19:31:05","slug":"what-percentage-of-ancient-rome-population-was-in-the-military","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-percentage-of-ancient-rome-population-was-in-the-military\/","title":{"rendered":"What Percentage Of Ancient Rome Population Was In The Military"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome was a powerful city that had an essentially invincible military. This enabled them to control vast areas of Europe and the Mediterranean, expand their empire and maintain a high standard of living. But, how much of the population of ancient Rome were in the military? This is a question that has no single answer as the specifics were not documented, and the forms of military service were varied.<\/p>\n

The number of Roman citizens who were serving in the military was likely high but hard to pin down. It is estimated that between 8 and 10% of the male population of Rome was in the military. This was roughly true of other major cities in the empire, with the number being higher in rural areas. The exact number of citizens in the military would depend on the state of the empire and the wars they were fighting.<\/p>\n

In terms of the number of those enlisted in the army, it is estimated that at the peak of the empire, between 60 and 90% of the men of fighting age were in the military. This is due to the proliferation of Imperial legions throughout the Roman world, which meant that a large portion of the male population was actively engaged in military service. Romans were required to serve in the legions for a minimum of 21 years, and any citizen from any part of the empire could join up.<\/p>\n

The battles fought by the Roman military were very complex, and it was necessary for the legions to be coordinated for maximum effect. This meant that the Roman military relied heavily on the use of sophisticated strategies and tactics, as well as the use of the latest technology. It’s likely that the military had access to the latest weaponry, communications equipment and engineering skills. That being said, it is difficult to know how many of the Roman population were actually in the military due to lack of records and the wide range of soldiers in the legionary forces.<\/p>\n