{"id":9743,"date":"2023-12-03T19:35:12","date_gmt":"2023-12-03T18:35:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9743"},"modified":"2023-12-03T19:35:12","modified_gmt":"2023-12-03T18:35:12","slug":"when-did-girls-get-married-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/when-did-girls-get-married-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"When Did Girls Get Married Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

When Did Girls Get Married in Ancient Rome?<\/b><\/p>\n

During the Ancient Roman Empire, the legal age for girls to marry was twelve years old. This was the age that girls became betrothed to their husbands and subsequently married. Girls married at a younger age in the period of the early Roman Empire, and the ages ranged from six years old to as old as fifteen years of age.<\/p>\n

Women from wealthy families would have happier marriages because of their families’ ability to provide a dowry, while those from poorer households often married in order to escape destitution. Girls were mainly married off as soon as they were old enough, as marrying off a daughter indicated a family’s financial stability. A father kept control of his daughter’s dowry until she married, which is why the age of marriage was so young in those days. This tradition was the basis of the Roman law of patria potestas, which gave the father power to decide even the most important matters of his daughter’s life.<\/p>\n

Boy-consorts, too, were in demand during the time of Ancient Rome. The father of the girl typically chose the man his daughter would marry, based on his standing, wealth and character. Teenage boys younger than fifteen years of age might be married to very young children, whether it was for political or dynastic reasons.<\/p>\n