{"id":9734,"date":"2023-10-23T19:00:17","date_gmt":"2023-10-23T18:00:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9734"},"modified":"2023-10-23T19:00:17","modified_gmt":"2023-10-23T18:00:17","slug":"what-was-a-mans-job-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-a-mans-job-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Was A Mans Job In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

Origin of Slaves in Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

Ancient Rome was a patriarchal society, where the man of the family was the head of the household and had the primary job of providing financial support. For poor and wealthy alike, the man was the provider who, in most cases, reported to the Senate or Emperor in some form of service. As Rome grew, so did its need for labor and as a result, rich Roman families began to own slaves.
\nAt first, owning slaves was a sign of status. It meant that one could afford to not just take care of their own family, but also to pay for labor to do domestic jobs, such as cooking and cleaning, or laborious tasks such as building or farming. It was also possible for a man to rent out his slaves to other households, perhaps for a salary or to share the profits from their production.
\nFor wealthy families, owning slaves was a way to maintain large landholdings and villas. Many of these slaves were prisoners of war, or individuals who had been sold into slavery by their own people or from other countries or regions. It is clear that without slavery, wealthy Romans would not have been able to maintain their lifestyle and property, as they would have been unable hire the necessary workers.<\/p>\n

Responsibility of the Male Slaves<\/h2>\n

The responsibilities of male slaves in Ancient Rome varied greatly depending on their value, age and the wealth of their master. The slaves that were of more value were given more freedom to exercise their basic rights. This was as a result of their skilled labor and expertise, which was useful to the masters in a variety of ways, both in the home and on the land.
\nMore often than not, male slaves were asked to do the most difficult and physically demanding tasks – the hauling of heavy objects, the manual labor associated with farming, and the operation of the household. While it could be a hard life for slaves, for many it was the only life they knew, and it was their duty to obey and serve their masters.<\/p>\n

Benefits of the Specialized Job<\/h2>\n

Some slaves worked in specialized jobs such as physicians, teachers, artists, and engineers. For example, doctors used their knowledge to help the sick and wounded, while teachers learned to pass on valuable knowledge and skills to their students. Despite the oppression they experienced, some slaves also found independence and purpose in their work.
\nMany slaves were also artists, performing music or painting in the private homes of their wealthy masters. This allowed them to express their creative abilities and passions, and subtlety influence the culture of the time. For instance, through paintings, music, or poetry, the slaves of Rome left their mark in the cultural landscape of the society.<\/p>\n

Religious Rites & Duties<\/h2>\n

Religion was an important part of everyday life in Ancient Rome, and many slaves were expected to perform religious rites or duties on behalf of their masters. These tasks could include taking part in religious festivals, offering sacrifices, singing hymns, and even serving as seers or priests.
\nMost of these jobs were performed by the slaves in private, allowing them to quietly express themselves and finding a measure of solace in religious activities. Given that slaves had no rights in Roman law, taking part in religious activities was one way in which they could gain some satisfaction in their plight.<\/p>\n

Impact on Mankind<\/h2>\n