{"id":9687,"date":"2023-10-22T19:20:19","date_gmt":"2023-10-22T18:20:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9687"},"modified":"2023-10-22T19:20:19","modified_gmt":"2023-10-22T18:20:19","slug":"what-type-of-music-did-they-have-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-type-of-music-did-they-have-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Type Of Music Did They Have In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

It comes as no surprise that the ancient Romans had a very diverse and exciting music scene. Music has been an integral part of Roman culture since the days of the Republic and its influence has been felt in every corner of the world. But what kind of music was popular in ancient Rome?<\/p>\n

The types of music the ancient Romans had relied heavily on the genres popular in the various regions of the world. Political and cultural tastes could also influence the type of music that was heard in any one particular area. During the Republic, music centered around theatre, poetry, and religious services. <\/p>\n

Amongst the most popular genres of music heard in ancient Rome were the Etruscan, Greek, and even Celtic influences. In the early days of the Republic, the music often featured religious hymns and other chants that were used in temples and ceremonies. This type of music was often accompanied by the use of the lyre or flute. <\/p>\n

During the Imperial period, Roman music had started to become more diverse. The introduction of exotic music from the east had a vast influence on the music of Rome. This, in turn, had created a mixture of different music styles, ranging from classical to African. This period also saw the rise of popular musicians such as the actor-comedian Novius, who was renowned for his comedic routines and instrumental pieces.<\/p>\n