{"id":9573,"date":"2023-11-06T14:30:16","date_gmt":"2023-11-06T13:30:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9573"},"modified":"2023-11-06T14:30:16","modified_gmt":"2023-11-06T13:30:16","slug":"what-were-the-jobs-of-slaves-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-were-the-jobs-of-slaves-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Were The Jobs Of Slaves In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

What were the Jobs of Slaves in Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

Slavery in Ancient Rome was pervasive and divided into two main categories – slaves of the state and slaves of individuals. Slaves made up a third of the total Roman population and embarked on tasks ranging from agriculture and cooking to manual labour and entertainment. Slaves worked in all areas of Roman culture, such as architecture, literature, art and even politics. In the political arena, slaves sometimes held the role of administrators or even a member of the governing elite. In the agricultural sector, slaves worked as farm labourers, domestic servants, and gardeners. They tended to crops, preserved food, and carried out basic farm tasks such as ploughing, planting, and harvesting. Slaves were also trusted as cultural mediators, passing between the worlds of the enslaved and the free. <\/p>\n

Slaves also had the opportunity to pick up skills outside of their traditional field of expertise. Slaves could become accustomed to working as teachers or tutors, for example, which could enable them to become educated in certain matters themselves, and thus give them the ability to earn a living outside of the hands of their masters. Likewise, slaves in Ancient Rome could learn from hands-on experience in engineering, metalwork, masonry, and other trades. These skills could even be passed down from one generation of slaves to the next, as slaves were often given to children as birthday presents to help them learn more. As such, certain trades that were brought about by slaves in Ancient Rome were incredibly well-developed.<\/p>\n

When it comes to entertainment, slaves were highly valued and well-paid. Slaves were regularly employed in the public and private houses of the wealthy. They were expected to lead performances, operate works of art and exhibits, and even dance and sing. Other roles included domestic servants, cooks, and handymen. It is thought that their skills in the domestic sphere helped make them especially valuable, as this allowed them to function as ‘substitute wives’ in the eyes of their employer, who most likely could not partake in a conjugal relationship due to social or financial constraints.<\/p>\n

For those enslaved in Ancient Rome, the deaths of their masters tended to be the only release from their bondage. The only other way a slave could gain their freedom was by beautiful the favor of their master by doing a good deed or behaving exceptionally well. Some slaves might even be freed on the basis of an extreme act of devotion or loyalty to their master. This was known as manumission and could result in the freeing of a slave after years of service. This was seen as a sign of loyalty to the master; some masters even freed slaves in their wills.<\/p>\n