{"id":9556,"date":"2023-10-20T05:50:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-20T04:50:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9556"},"modified":"2023-10-20T05:50:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-20T04:50:13","slug":"which-tradition-from-ancient-rome-did-the-united-states-adopt","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/which-tradition-from-ancient-rome-did-the-united-states-adopt\/","title":{"rendered":"Which Tradition From Ancient Rome Did The United States Adopt"},"content":{"rendered":"

Roman Language <\/h2>\n

The ancient Roman language, Latin, revealed itself to be more durable than the Empire that spoke it. Latin still holds a place within the world today due to its acceptance in the form of English and other languages all over the world. To start, it is important to note the widespread use of Latin in the United States. We even recognize this today in the terminology of everyday English—words like ‘liberty’ and phrases like ‘carpe diem’, for example.
\nWhen the United States was founded, Latin became the language preferred by many of the founding fathers. Although Latin today may not be ubiquitous like it once was in the Roman Empire, it still remains the official language of the Roman Catholic Church and many codified legal systems. Some scholars believe that this is due to an effort in the early 19th to 20th centuries to move away from the Church’s governing power and find a new national identity.
\nHowever, Latin played a much bigger role in the U.S. laws. Legal terminology like ‘habeas corpus’, ‘plaintiff’, ‘crime against humanity’, ‘amicus curiae’, ‘mala in se’ and ‘in re’ all became part of the Federal Legal vocabulary. Latin phrases remain the common law terminology and continues to be strongly ingrained in court cases.
\nThis legal jargon and legacy of Roman terms have not only served as a language guide, but have also made it much easier to communicate across nations who share a common language and often share similar legal practices as well. Latin is also seen as an especially old language that is seen as timeless. As Latin was used by different countries and empires, it has become an important part of the U.S.’s constitution as it provides reliability and permanence to the document.<\/p>\n

Roman Religion <\/h2>\n

The most widespread form of religion in the US is Christianity, and therefore it is important to look at the influence that ancient Rome had on this faith. Christianity derived from the Roman Empire, and it has maintained some of the practices and beliefs from this time period.
\nToday, Sunday is regarded as the day of rest for many US citizens and for some, the day of worship. This tradition was adopted more than a millennia ago by the Romans and it makes sense as Sunday was associated with the sun from the gods, hence what we refer to it as today.
\nChristmas is also mostly associated with the birth of Jesus, however the date of the 25th of December was originally a pagan holiday that the Romans celebrated due to their association of the date to the solstice. Moreover, the Bible speaks of certain rituals that the ancient Romans engaged in and thus passed on. The practice of baptism bears resemblance to a particular Roman tradition of baptism. The tradition of procession and worship on Palm Sunday also has its roots in ancient Rome.
\nIn addition, the ancient Roman religion was polytheistic and when Christianity arrived in the US, it banned any practice that was not related to their own faith, in a way outlawing the traditions of a ‘pagan’ Roman lifestyle. Consequently, it is likely that many of what we call superstitions are really the forgotten rituals stemming from ancient Rome.<\/p>\n

Roman Entertainment <\/h2>\n

Although ancient Rome is not associated with the modern US entertainment industry, it has still had a significant influence on the type of entertainment that we exist in today. One of the most obvious features in ancient Roman entertainment that is still enjoyed in the United States is the popularization of gladiatorial combat.
\nOver time, the exact type of combat changed, but its structure still remained the same – a battle between two opponents in the presence of a large audience. This type of combat was very popular among Roman citizens and it even inspired the modern forms of professional sports in the US like boxing and wrestling.
\nAnother type of entertainment that has been ingrained in US culture since its inception is theatrical performances. Theater wasn’t invented in Roman times, it was developed under the influence of their predecessors, however the concepts and philosophy of theater originated from the Roman Empire. It thoroughly developed in their society, bringing about the art form of tragedy and comedy.
\nAncient Rome is also famous for its dramatizations of the events of mythology. Although the ways of storytelling may have changed, the subject remains the same and can be found in the Hollywood movies of today. Though they have been modernized, ancient Roman beliefs and stories still exist as a cornerstone of certain aspects of entertainment.<\/p>\n

Roman Statuary <\/h2>\n

Ancient Roman sculptures are also a testament to the impact of their culture in the United States. The Romans have been widely praised for leaving the world a physical legacy of their culture, unlike the Greeks. The U.S. has attracted much of their bounty – and even their treasures.
\nIn particular, one of the most prominent displays of Roman statuary in the U.S. is placed in the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. This sculpture, entitled Victory, depicts a triumphant Roman general. In addition to being a show of reverence to the ancient Romans, this work also serves as a reminder of the hard-won freedom that the United States owes in part to their predecessor culture.
\nFurthermore, statues of the Roman gods and goddesses were often looked upon with admiration by those of the United States in the early twentieth century, leading members of the Roman Catholic Church to opt for their replication in many churches. For instance, marble statues of Mary and other iconic figures that were actually modeled on Roman gods continue to be seen in numerous churches today.
\nFinally, heritage sites, such as the ruins of the Colosseum, are proof of the lasting impact of the Roman culture and encourage curious visitors to learn more about this rich heritage. As such, it is safe to say that the remnants of ancient Rome have left a lasting impression on the United States.<\/p>\n

Roman Architecture <\/h2>\n