{"id":9516,"date":"2023-10-24T03:55:11","date_gmt":"2023-10-24T02:55:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9516"},"modified":"2023-10-24T03:55:11","modified_gmt":"2023-10-24T02:55:11","slug":"what-kind-of-rights-did-slaves-have-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-kind-of-rights-did-slaves-have-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Kind Of Rights Did Slaves Have Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

Slave Rights and Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

Slaves were an integral part of Ancient Rome, forming the backbone of its economy and society. They were not only forced to work in the city and on the farms, but were also used to give their wealthy and powerful masters complete power over them. Slaves in Ancient Rome had no rights and had no protection under the law, yet their situation was not uniform throughout the Empire. This article explores the different kinds of rights that slaves had in Ancient Rome and how, over time, those rights evolved.<\/p>\n

Situation of Slaves in Ancient Rome<\/h3>\n

In Ancient Rome, slaves were treated as property and even seen as subhuman. They were often subject to cruel and unusual punishments, including being thrown to wild animals, whipped, or burned to death in public. Owners were free to do what they wanted with their slaves, including making them fight in gladiator matches or killing them at will.
\nSlaves were also unable to marry, hold property, and were severely restricted in their movement. They were not allowed to gather in public places, nor were they allowed to testify against their masters, even when the masters had done them wrong. In addition, slaves were not allowed to own or carry weapons.<\/p>\n

Slave Rights in Ancient Rome<\/h3>\n

The rights of slaves in Ancient Rome were primarily determined by the masters. Generally, owners would give slaves bare minimum in terms of food and clothing while they were confined to work and obedience.
\nMost slaves could earn some form of compensation if they provided services beyond their daily duties. For example, some slaves could earn money by working outside of their normal duties and some could even negotiate some form of freedom.
\nSlaves were sometimes allowed to own some personal possessions, such as jewelry or clothing. These possessions were usually property of the master and had to be returned upon the death of the slave.<\/p>\n

Evolution of Slave Rights in Ancient Rome<\/h3>\n

The rights of slaves evolved over time, largely due to the efforts of wealthy Roman citizens. While the rights of slaves remained limited, the citizens began to advocate for more humane treatment. As the Roman Empire expanded, it came into contact with other cultures and began to adopt some of their practices. This led to the gradual improvement of slave rights in Ancient Rome.
\nFor instance, under law, slaves were granted the right to have a marriage ceremony and receive some legal protection against cruel treatment. In addition, some slaves were given the right to own land and to pass on their property to their descendants.
\nThe Roman Empire also began allowing slaves to become citizens, thereby enhancing their rights and granting them better protection. This was an important step in the evolution of slave rights.<\/p>\n

Effects of Slavery on Ancient Rome<\/h3>\n