{"id":9501,"date":"2023-12-02T19:50:51","date_gmt":"2023-12-02T18:50:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9501"},"modified":"2023-12-02T19:50:51","modified_gmt":"2023-12-02T18:50:51","slug":"what-kind-of-jobs-did-slaves-do-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-kind-of-jobs-did-slaves-do-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Kind Of Jobs Did Slaves Do In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

Domestic Slavery in Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

In Ancient Rome, enslaved people had an important role both socially and economically. Slaves were widely used to work in households and farms, in different professional fields, such as building construction and industry, and as personal attendants and assistants. Depending on their origin, Roman slaves had different names and conditions. This article will explain the kind of jobs slaves did in the Roman Empire, their opportunities to gain freedom, and the management of the slave population.<\/p>\n

Slaves in Ancient Rome had already existed before legal rules concerning slavery regulated their condition. In Roman times, enslavement was the result of many circumstances, such as war, piracy, or self-enslavement. Slaves were mainly used in households, farms, and workshops.<\/p>\n

A common job for slaves was in domestic service. Servants and slaves worked in Roman households taking care of daily needs such as cleaning, laundry, or cooking. Salves could be also employed as craftsmen, like the familia navalis, slaves trained to build and repair ships. Others were used as labourers and porters in daily activities like markets, food production, and agriculture. In the difficult times of the Republic, the use of slaves in trade was banned, however, later in the Empire, it became more and more popular. Slaves could be also used for more complex works, as in miner’s works and constructing roads.<\/p>\n

Slaves could gain their freedom in two ways. The first one was called manumissio, which means the master decided and pursued the process of freeing the slave. The second one was named vindicta, which means the trial of slaves, who became free after the verdict in their favour. <\/p>\n