{"id":9448,"date":"2023-11-13T16:55:57","date_gmt":"2023-11-13T15:55:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9448"},"modified":"2023-11-13T16:55:57","modified_gmt":"2023-11-13T15:55:57","slug":"who-ran-the-government-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/who-ran-the-government-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"Who Ran The Government In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

The government of ancient Rome began from a small monarchy, through a republic, and then into an empire. However, contrary to modern democracies, the government of ancient Rome was based on necessity and order rather than tradition and freedom. During various eras of its existence, Rome’s government went through many changes and went through different forms of governance. <\/p>\n

The Roman monarchy came to an end in 510BC with the overthrow of Tarquin the Proud, the seventh and last of the kings of Rome. In its place, the Roman Republic was formed, a government that emphasized individual rights and representative government. During the Roman Republic period, Rome had a senate, an assembly of men, who elected two consuls each year to lead the government. These consuls appointed other officials to make up the Roman magistrates, who served as the executive branch of the government. The magistrates had the power to carry out laws, raise taxes, command the army, and make decisions for the state. <\/p>\n

As the Roman Republic grew and expanded, it began to face internal corruption, which led to its downfall. In 43BC, Julius Caesar, a former Roman military and political leader, took absolute control of the government in what is now known as the Roman Empire. Caesar formed the Roman Empire by appointing himself as its first Emperor and restructured the way in which Rome was governed. <\/p>\n

Under the Roman Empire, the new government focused on a system of imperial rule, where the emperor was the only source of power and influence. The emperor had absolute power over all facets of government, including the military, religion, and the Senate. Under the Roman Empire, the emperor was able to levy taxes, enforce laws, and maintain a strong military force to protect the Roman Empire’s interests. <\/p>\n