{"id":9435,"date":"2023-10-16T06:35:11","date_gmt":"2023-10-16T05:35:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9435"},"modified":"2023-10-16T06:35:11","modified_gmt":"2023-10-16T05:35:11","slug":"what-we-learned-from-ancient-rome-military","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-we-learned-from-ancient-rome-military\/","title":{"rendered":"What We Learned From Ancient Rome Military"},"content":{"rendered":"

What We Learned From Ancient Rome Military<\/h2>\n

The Ancient Roman Military is widely accepted as the most powerful in all of history, and it continues to influence the way we think about warfare and organisation today. Throughout their history, The Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire, created and expanded a formidable force that was recognized for its level of training and discipline. Ancient Rome is viewed by many academics and historians as the apex of military strategy and innovation, and is considered the single most influential force in the history of warfare.<\/p>\n

The organization of Ancient Rome’s military was based around specialized troops and forms of combat, which allowed for a combination of flexibility and overwhelming force. Roman troops were divided into legions and cohorts, and each legion was subdivided according to ranks. This allowed troops to be organized quickly and efficiently, creating an effective and mobile force. Training was intensive and often occurred in barracks, and included physical exercises, tactical drills and ideological instruction.<\/p>\n

The Roman Army was renowned for its advances in weapons and equipment, which allowed it to shift tactics quickly and maintain a dominant edge in warfare. The most iconic of Roman equipment was the scutum<\/b><\/i>, which was a two-by-four meter rectangular shield made of wood and metal, and was used to protect from spears, bullets and arrows. Roman soldiers also made use of the infamous galea<\/b><\/i> helmet for protection and for identifying rank. This combination of equipment and tactics allowed Roman soldiers to endure in wars against more technologically advanced opponents.<\/p>\n

While military might and success have typically been attributed to the organization and equipment of Rome’s troops, their psychological impact cannot may not be understated. The sheer relentlessness of Roman troops encouraged an attitude of audacity and immovability, which left opponents shell-shocked. This was systematically reinforced by greater rewards upon victory, elite veterans and long-term citizenship for those who joined with Rome in warfare. Ancient Rome was thus not just a military superpower, but one that instilled fear and terror in its opponents.<\/p>\n