{"id":9332,"date":"2023-11-23T14:35:51","date_gmt":"2023-11-23T13:35:51","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9332"},"modified":"2023-11-23T14:35:51","modified_gmt":"2023-11-23T13:35:51","slug":"why-does-ancient-rome-seen-more-advanced-than-medieval-times","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/why-does-ancient-rome-seen-more-advanced-than-medieval-times\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Does Ancient Rome Seen More Advanced Than Medieval Times"},"content":{"rendered":"

When thinking about the times of Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe, the age difference of 800 years seems like a vast expanse of time and certainly that is the case. But remarkably, some of the most innovative advancements in science, technology, architecture, government, and even philosophy, were made in the Roman period. So why did the Ancient Roman world appear more advanced than Medieval times?<\/p>\n

Firstly, let us look at the state of Europe during a typical Medieval period. Food production remained basic, as did means of communication, transportation, and healthcare. Life expectancy was much lower and most people were agrarian based, subsisting on what they could grow or hunt for. All towns, cities and even religious sites had limited access to technological advances, surviving with the most basic means of water, food and shelter. Religion was a core aspect of the day-to-day life with different sects, groups and churches vying for power and control.<\/p>\n

In Ancient Rome, the minds of citizens were unencumbered by modern stressors and anxieties. Because of the strong religions of both Rome and Greece, they sought solutions to common problems and created theories and discoveries based upon logic and experimentation. This encouraged the Roman way of thinking, one that respected values and the importance of the greater good. Therefore Roman engineers and inventors created solutions that had far reaching consequences.<\/p>\n

Rome can largely be credited with the more advanced aspects of its time including engineering, transit and road construction, a give and take form of government, advancements in sanitation, centralized heating, and military inventions. For example, The Roman aqueduct system was a revolutionary achievement in water management and engineering, which allowed them to ship fresh water in from distant sources and distribute it throughout the city. They also designed and created the first known public toilets, with sewers that discharged waste far away from residential areas, which helped tremendously with sanitation. In addition, the network of roads created by the Romans allowed for more efficient communication and transportation between towns and cities within the Roman Empire.<\/p>\n