{"id":9324,"date":"2023-11-23T15:20:14","date_gmt":"2023-11-23T14:20:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9324"},"modified":"2023-11-23T15:20:14","modified_gmt":"2023-11-23T14:20:14","slug":"why-did-ancient-rome-want-to-control-palestine","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/why-did-ancient-rome-want-to-control-palestine\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Did Ancient Rome Want To Control Palestine"},"content":{"rendered":"

Background of Ancient Rome’s Conquest of Palestine<\/h2>\n

In 63 B.C., the city of Rome, under the command of General Pompey, conquered the region of Palestine and brought it under the control of the Roman Empire. This region, commonly known as the “Holy Land” or the “Land of Israel,” was an important cultural, political, and religious center for the Middle East in the ancient world. The ancient Romans saw this conquest as an important part of their empire-building process and were determined to exert their control and power over Palestine. By doing so, they were able to extend their reach over the entire Mediterranean region. <\/p>\n

The stratification of classes was a common practice in the Roman Empire and was much like those found in other ancient societies such as Egypt and Greece. Roman citizens were at the top of the class system, followed by freedmen, non-citizens, and slaves. This same class system was applied to the conquered people of Palestine. Roman citizens living in Palestine were treated as a privileged elite, while the native population was given lower status. This hierarchical system was used by the Romans to control Palestine and to discourage any rebellions or other acts of resistance.<\/p>\n

The Romans also instilled a system of taxation in Palestine. The conquered people were required to pay a poll tax, which was a form of taxation that affected only those in the lower classes. This tax was usually collected by Roman imperial officials, and the money went to the Roman treasury. This form of taxation helped to ensure that the Romans had control over the region and its people, as the taxes helped to support the Roman military and keep it funded. <\/p>\n

The conquerors also imposed a number of cultural and religious laws on the conquered people of Palestine. The Romans were polytheists, and they frowned upon the practice of monotheism, which was the religion of the Jews living in the area. This led to increased pressure on the Jews to assimilate and to abandon certain aspects of their traditional culture and beliefs. The Roman authorities also prohibited certain Jewish practices, such as circumcision, which was an important part of their religion. This was an attempt to suppress and control the Jews, who were seen as a threat to Roman rule. <\/p>\n

Incorporation of Military Force<\/h2>\n