{"id":9105,"date":"2023-12-01T10:45:14","date_gmt":"2023-12-01T09:45:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9105"},"modified":"2023-12-01T10:45:14","modified_gmt":"2023-12-01T09:45:14","slug":"who-am-i-ancient-rome-pbs","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/who-am-i-ancient-rome-pbs\/","title":{"rendered":"Who Am I Ancient Rome Pbs"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Ancient City of Rome: A Historical Perspective<\/h2>\n

The ancient city of Rome has played a significant role in history and has been studied extensively by historians and archaeologists. From its beginnings as a small village in the 8th century BC, to its appearance as the center of the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD, the city’s development has been unique and significant. The Latin phrase ‘Roma Caput Mundi’ has been used to represent the city’s grandeur and importance throughout the centuries, meaning ‘Rome the head of the world’.<\/p>\n

Through excavations, researchers have been able to uncover a wealth of information about the history of this ancient city and its citizens. The ruins of Pompeii, for example, offer an unprecedented glimpse into the daily life of Roman citizens in the 1st century AD. Additionally, recent studies from the organization PBS have revealed findings on the city’s infrastructure, as well as the lifestyle of the residents.<\/p>\n

PBS’s findings suggest that the city was well-structured and heavily populated with a large number of residential areas and marketplaces, as well as public monuments, like those found in the Forum Romanum. It was also a thriving center of commerce with its own currency, the sesterce, and goods from all over the world being traded in its markets. <\/p>\n

Additionally, PBS’s studies have also offered insight into the everyday lives of the citizens of Rome. Scholars have discovered evidence of a class structure with the wealthy citizens living in comfort and opulence, while the lower classes struggled with poverty and disease. Additionally, traditional Roman values such as patriotism, respect for one’s elders, and honour were highly valued by the citizens.<\/p>\n