{"id":9098,"date":"2023-10-18T07:15:09","date_gmt":"2023-10-18T06:15:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9098"},"modified":"2023-10-18T07:15:09","modified_gmt":"2023-10-18T06:15:09","slug":"why-the-founding-fathers-loved-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/why-the-founding-fathers-loved-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"Why The Founding Fathers Loved Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

As the United States was formed in 1776, the Founding Fathers of the new nation looked to many sources for inspiration in forming a new government and society. One period of history they turned to was Ancient Rome, the great civilization that had existed in Italy between approximately 753 BC and 476 AD and influenced the world with its political system, advances in technology, and art. The influence of Ancient Rome on the Founding Fathers was far-reaching, and it is easy to understand why they held the Roman Republic in such high esteem. <\/p>\n

Firstly, the Founding Fathers saw the Roman Republic as a great example of how a government should be structured. The idea of a group of elected officials — a senate — advising the executive branch of government, namely the Roman Consul, was seen as a powerful and effective way of ensuring political stability. This served as an invaluable point of reference for the Founding Fathers as they sought to divine a suitable system of government that could ensure the balance of power, something the Roman Republic had perfected. <\/p>\n

Secondly, the Founding Fathers looked towards Roman society and its values when crafting the constitution of the newly formed United States. The emphasis that Ancient Rome had placed on the individual, offering freedom of speech, thoughts and actions was a crucial factor in the Founding Fathers’ decision to give US citizens the right to bear arms as a form of defense. <\/p>\n

Another factor why the Founding Fathers found Ancient Rome so inspirational was their advancement in technology and engineering. The Romans had developed many impressive feats of engineering such as aqueducts, roads and bridges, while their use of concrete had revolutionized architecture. The Founding Father’s of the new country looked to the progress that Ancient Rome had made in these areas and used them as examples of what could be achieved. <\/p>\n