{"id":9047,"date":"2023-10-31T00:05:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-30T23:05:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9047"},"modified":"2023-10-31T00:05:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-30T23:05:13","slug":"what-were-the-politics-like-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-were-the-politics-like-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Were The Politics Like In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome had a fascinating political system that was composed of various elements, some of which were democratic and some authoritarian.<\/p>\n

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BCE and lasted until the end of the Roman Empire in 476 CE. During this period, the Senate was the governing body of Rome and it was comprised of aristocrats from prominent Roman families. The Senate had the power to pass laws and make decisions on the behalf of the people. It was also responsible for setting up the judiciary, appointing leaders, and managing external relations.<\/p>\n

Alongside the Senate, there was the position of consul, who held executive power over the state. Consuls were annually elected by the people and served a two-year term. They had authority to make important decisions on military and domestic matters. There were two consuls at any given time and they both had to agree on all decisions.<\/p>\n

In addition to the Senate and the consuls, there were certain legislatives assemblies and courts. The Centuriate Assembly was responsible for legislative affairs and was comprised of wealthy citizens. The Tribal Assembly was the main judicial power and it consisted of the entire Roman citizens. It was also responsible for electing leaders.<\/p>\n