{"id":9004,"date":"2023-11-25T13:40:14","date_gmt":"2023-11-25T12:40:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=9004"},"modified":"2023-11-25T13:40:14","modified_gmt":"2023-11-25T12:40:14","slug":"why-was-ancient-rome-called-a-republicv","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/why-was-ancient-rome-called-a-republicv\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Was Ancient Rome Called A Republicv"},"content":{"rendered":"

Overview and Origins<\/h2>\n

The Roman Republic was a government system where any Roman citizen could take part in the running of the city-state of Rome. It was established in 509 BCE and lasted until 27 BCE, when it was replaced by the Roman Empire. Rome was a powerful city and its citizens believed in the motto “Equal Justice for All”. This form of government allowed for a level of democracy where citizens had a say in the decisions of the state. As the Republic grew, a system of checks and balances was put in place, allowing citizens to remain equal in decision-making.
\nThe founding of the Republic is contested by historians. The traditional story states that it began when the kings of Rome were overthrown by a revolt. The citizens declared the Republic and chose two consuls, who would serve as joint leaders, to govern the city. This was done as a way to prevent the power of one leader and ensure that the interests of all citizens were represented.<\/p>\n

Structure and Functioning of the Republic<\/h2>\n

The structure of the Republic was based on the citizens forming voting blocks, known as Tribes. Tribes determined the laws, which were passed by the Senate. The Senate, which was made up of 300 representatives elected by the Tribes, was responsible for enacting those laws and ensuring they were followed. In addition, members of the Senate were responsible for managing the finances of the Republic.
\nThe Senate was run by the two elected consuls. They had the power to veto each other, or to make up their own laws if ratified by the Senate. This was a highly effective system that had the confidence of the citizens of Rome. The Senate also had the power to declare war, which Rome did frequently as it expanded its borders.<\/p>\n

Political Power in the Republic<\/h2>\n

At the highest level of the Republic was the Senate, which was made up of patricians, who had money and power and owned land. Below them was the plebeians, who comprised most of the citizenry. Every five years, election were held and the plebeians could elect their own representatives, known as Tribune of the Plebs, who served as a voice for the plebeians on the Senate.
\nThe Republic also allowed for a form of Roman democracy. There were a few social classes that could vote, but there were also assemblies where the people were allowed to elect representatives to the Senate. This created an example of equality for the citizens of Rome.<\/p>\n

The Decline of the Republic<\/h2>\n

The Roman Republic lasted for over 500 years, but it eventually began to decline. In their increasingly powerful position, the patricians tried to retain control of their power and the Republic eventually became a tyranny. This led to the rise of Julius Caesar, who was appointed consul by the Senate and instead of restoring the Republic, abolished it and declared himself dictator, giving way to the Roman Empire.<\/p>\n

Political and Social Relevance of the Republic in the Present Day<\/h2>\n