{"id":8966,"date":"2023-10-15T14:50:10","date_gmt":"2023-10-15T13:50:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8966"},"modified":"2023-10-15T14:50:10","modified_gmt":"2023-10-15T13:50:10","slug":"what-were-statues-in-ancient-rome-used-for","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-were-statues-in-ancient-rome-used-for\/","title":{"rendered":"What Were Statues In Ancient Rome Used For"},"content":{"rendered":"

Statues in Ancient Rome were powerful symbols and witnesses to the culture, accomplishments, and values of the people who made them. They had a broad range of functions, from serving as decorative elements to acting as status symbols to performing religious, legal, and commercial purposes. Statues could also be used as a form of political statement, giving the people of Rome a tangible reminder of the authorities they lived under. <\/p>\n

The statues of Ancient Rome were typically made of a range of materials, including marble, bronze, and stone. Often, they were fashioned as busts or full- figure statuary, and were decorated with intricate carvings and engravings. Some of the most iconic and instantly recognisable sculptures of the era are those of the emperors of Rome. Statues of these great rulers were an important symbol of the Empire – they acted as a visual reminder of the emperor’s greatness and power, and conveyed a sense of imperial divine providence. <\/p>\n

Statues of gods, goddesses and other deities were also prevalent in Rome. Many households would have various representations of their most revered gods, including carved figures with ivory faces and gold foliage, and miniature sculptures made of precious stones and metals. These figurines were typically placed in shrines and were said to bring divine protection and luck to their owners. They would also be used to make offerings to the gods, such as waters, incense and other offerings. <\/p>\n

Public statues were also a common sight in the Roman city centres. These works could serve a variety of purposes – from serving as decorations to honouring famous citizens. Public statues could be dedicated to historical figures, such as rulers and generals, or to mythical and legendary figures. Statues were often inscribed with the names, titles and achievements of the figures being honoured. <\/p>\n