{"id":8776,"date":"2023-10-28T10:45:14","date_gmt":"2023-10-28T09:45:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8776"},"modified":"2023-10-28T10:45:14","modified_gmt":"2023-10-28T09:45:14","slug":"where-did-slaves-in-ancient-rome-live","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/where-did-slaves-in-ancient-rome-live\/","title":{"rendered":"Where Did Slaves In Ancient Rome Live"},"content":{"rendered":"

Slaves in ancient Rome lived all over. They were the backbone of the Roman Empire. For over 500 years, slaves provided labor to households, businesses, farms, and worked in Rome’s bustling markets. They made up a huge chunk of Rome’s population, doing all sorts of jobs, from snubbing in mines to washing dishes in villas. It is estimated that by the 1st century BC, up to 40% of the Roman population consisted of slaves.
\nSlaves in ancient Rome typically lived in cramped quarters, often mere rooms in larger residential buildings with minimal privacy. However, some were lucky enough to live in households. These people were better taken care of, as their living conditions were often on par with that of their masters. Ancient historians such as Pliny the Elder and Terence even talk about how young slaves in these households could be educated, sometimes even learning to read and write Greek.
\nSome slaves in ancient Rome was given the permission to own some of their own property, whether their masters granted it or their slaves bought it themselves. These possessions may have even included clothing and jewelry. Worked hard and played by their masters’ rules, these slaves were seen as reliable and could be trusted by their owners.
\nSlaves could work in the mines, build monuments and temples, sew, spin and weave fabrics and provide medical treatment. They largely served as laborers and house workers, as well as being in charge of running basic errands for their masters. It is no wonder that some slaves even commanded greater respect than their masters, and this allowed them to set their own prices for their services.
\nSlaves did not have the same rights as their owners, however. Punishing slaves was often harsh, and those caught trying to escape were often severely punished. Slaves could also potentially be sold by their masters to another owner, separating families, and even children could be sold. These harsh punishments helped ensure that the number of slaves in Rome stayed relatively steady over five centuries.<\/p>\n

Types of Slaves<\/h2>\n

In ancient Rome, there were three general types of slaves: those owned by the Roman state, those purchased by private individuals, and those born into slavery. Those owned by the state, called the public slaves, were used to run the state institutions, manage public lands, build public buildings, and serve as auxiliaries in the Roman army. Private slaves, on the other hand, were owned by a single individual, often as part of their household. These slaves could also be loaned out for a specific task or kept for lifelong servitude, depending on the master’s wishes. Slave children born into slavery were often kept as property of their parents’ owner.
\nAlthough slavery was seen as a necessary part of life in ancient Rome, there were numerous legislative restrictions regulating the treatment of slaves. Laws such as those of lex Fufia Canina prevented the abuse of slaves. The law also granted slaves the right to shelter, food, clothing, and protection from violence. Some other laws, such as the Lex Aelia Sentia, allowed slaves to earn money, purchase their own freedom, and even become citizens.<\/p>\n


Slaves in ancient Rome, despite being restricted in many other aspects of life, were still able to express their religion. Most slaves were polytheistic, worshiping many gods and goddesses, with popular choices being Zeus, the sun god Apollo, and the goddess Cybele. Others, still, may have followed the Hannibalic religion, with many choosing to become eunuchs. As well, slaves in the household could be given their own rituals to follow, depending on their masters’ beliefs.
\nWhile slaves could practice their beliefs, the traditional Roman values were still maintained among them. These values were seen as necessary for the proper functioning of Rome, and were instilled in both children and slaves from a young age. It was a combination of traditional Roman religious beliefs and the religion of their ancestors that ultimately formed the unique religion of Rome’s slaves.<\/p>\n

Forced Labour<\/h2>\n

Forced labor was a norm in ancient Rome and slaves were expected to perform the works required without complaint. Slaves built the great monuments and cities of Rome, such as the Forum, the Colosseum, and the Pantheon. They worked in factories building ships, weapons, and other important objects and they manufactured clothing, pottery and jewelry. Slaves also worked on large farms, producing the food necessary to feed the population.
\nSlaves that worked on large estates were often poorly treated by their owners. They worked long hours each day, often in harsh conditions, and some were even punished severely if they failed to complete any task they were asked to do. Slaves living on these big farms did not often have the same rights as their freer counterparts in the cities, but a few had the privilege to own their own land.<\/p>\n

Modern Comparisons<\/h2>\n