{"id":8759,"date":"2023-10-15T14:10:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-15T13:10:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8759"},"modified":"2023-10-15T14:10:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-15T13:10:13","slug":"what-was-oil-used-for-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-oil-used-for-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What Was Oil Used For In Ancient Rome"},"content":{"rendered":"
\nIn the ancient Roman world, oil was a hugely important commodity used for a range of purposes. Though primarily used to fuel lamps, it was also used for medicinal purposes, for cosmetics, and for religious ceremonies. As a commodity, oil provided a valuable source of social status and even political influence. While performing many of the same duties as modern oil, the Roman variety could come in the forms of olive, walnut and even liquid asphalt.\n

For Lighting<\/h2>\n

Lighting was essential in the ancient Roman world, as activities occurred both during the day and at night. In Rome and many other cities, the streets worked as a major thoroughfare and needed to be well-lit-especially at night, when people needed to be able to traverse the roads appearing in the darkness.
\nThe main source of lighting was the oil-filled lamp, known as the ‘lucerna’. Despite being made from many different materials and sometimes adorned with ornate designs, the basic premise was the same: a flask of oil placed within a reflector. The oil was made from a combination of different oils, with most lamps using a mixture of fish and nut oils.
\nThe most costly lamps were fashioned out of bronze, silver, or gold, but the most common type of lamp was made from terracotta and cost much less. The more exquisite lamps were only available to the upper classes, but the middle and lower classes still had to rely on the light of their lucernae.<\/p>\n

Medicinal Use<\/h2>\n

Oil was also used as a medicinal aid by the Romans. Different oils were thought to have different healing properties, and medical compounds made from oil were issued to Roman soldiers as part of their medical kit.
\nIt is thought that the Romans used oil for a variety of purposes, including for treating injuries, treating muscle sprains, reducing inflammations and soothing aching muscles. In addition, oil was also used as an antiseptic against infections and as a remedy for skin complaints.
\nThe type of oil used for medicinal purposes was usually olive oil, which was thought to have the best healing properties. Roman medical practitioners had access to information on the many different uses of oil, and they used it in much the same way we use it today.<\/p>\n

Cosmetic Use<\/h2>\n

Oil was also used in Roman society for cosmetic purposes. Roman women made use of oils to soften, protect and nourish their skin; many of them used olive oil as their preferred type. Olive oil was known to have the best healing properties, and it was often augmented with other oils, such as almond, walnut and poppy oil.
\nThese blends were used to nourish the skin, to lock in moisture, to soothe irritation and to protect the skin from the sun’s rays. Along with being used for their skin, these Roman women also used oil as part of their hair care, as well as for keeping their nails in good condition.<\/p>\n

Religious Significance<\/h2>\n

Oil had a very important role in Roman religious ceremonies and customs. Oil was used to anoint holy places and divinely sanctioned sculptures. Oil often signified a state of purification, and it was typically used on a person before a religious ceremony to prepare them for the divine forces that they were going to invoke.
\nThe anointing of sculptures or other holy places with oil meant that the gods were invited to join in the ceremony. This oil was usually of a particular type, such as olive oil to honor Jupiter, mustard oil to represent Mars, poppy oil to represent Venus, and so on.
\nIn addition to its importance in the civic and religious sphere, oil was also a symbol of wealth, power and influence. The Romans believed that their oil was a connection not just to the gods but to their ancestors as well, with oil being an apt metaphor for the continuity of generations.<\/p>\n

Economic Significance<\/h2>\n