{"id":8751,"date":"2023-11-16T21:40:25","date_gmt":"2023-11-16T20:40:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8751"},"modified":"2023-11-16T21:40:25","modified_gmt":"2023-11-16T20:40:25","slug":"what-jobs-did-ancient-rome-have","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-jobs-did-ancient-rome-have\/","title":{"rendered":"What Jobs Did Ancient Rome Have"},"content":{"rendered":"

Citizens of Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

Ancient Rome was one of the most influential empires of all time, spanning large parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. As with any complex and vast empire, the ancient Roman economy required a variety of people dedicated to a variety of jobs to make it run smoothly. From lowly street cleaners to the high-ranking government officials, many different job roles emerged in Ancient Rome to ensure the power and prosperity of the city.<\/p>\n

Overview of Jobs<\/h3>\n

The primary industries in Roman society were farming, fishing, trade and commerce, and military service. In addition, there were jobs specialized in engineering, urban planning, and different forms of art. Government jobs included court magistrates, senators, praetorian guards, and emperors. In addition to these, some jobs were more a part of everyday Roman life and culture. This included bakers, wine makers, blacksmiths, and scribes.<\/p>\n

Life of a Roman Citizen<\/h3>\n

To understand the roles of Ancient Rome citizens, it’s important to look at the everyday life of a person who lived during that period. Roman citizens, both patrician and plebian, had the right to vote, legal protection, and financial support from the government. They were expected to pay taxes and to take part in the military and to obey laws. In addition to this, Roman citizens also had to be part of the labor force. This meant working in various occupations, from manual labour to craftsmen, depending on the local economy.<\/p>\n

Aristocracy and the Professional Classes<\/h3>\n

Within Ancient Rome, there was a definite hierarchy. At the top were the patricians or those of aristocratic background and noble birth. These people had a monopoly on politics, government, and military roles. However, there were also the plebeians or commoners, who made up the bulk of the population and labored in common professions. They also served in the army and were often merchants, traders, and craftsmen.<\/p>\n

The Institution of Slavery<\/h3>\n