{"id":8702,"date":"2023-10-23T14:25:16","date_gmt":"2023-10-23T13:25:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8702"},"modified":"2023-10-23T14:25:16","modified_gmt":"2023-10-23T13:25:16","slug":"what-was-the-things-the-ancient-romans-ate-on","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-the-things-the-ancient-romans-ate-on\/","title":{"rendered":"What Was The Things The Ancient Romans Ate On"},"content":{"rendered":"

Their Diet<\/h2>\n

The ancient Romans ate a mostly vegetarian diet, consisting of grains, fruit, vegetables, and herbs, with small portions of meat and fish. Bread, cereals, and legumes were the mainstays, but fruits and vegetables supplemented the diet. The Romans had access to different types of food unavailable in today’s diets, such as wild boar, dormice, and various fish species. Their diet also included olives, onions, garlic, and other greens.
\nOf their seafood, the Romans were especially fond of oysters, mussels, sea snails, and even dolphin, to name a few. For meat, they did have access to pork, lamb and goat, as well as wild boar. Beef and chicken were consumed but rarely, as they were expensive (and eaten by the wealthy). Cheese was also popular and was featured in salads and some sweet dishes.
\nThe Romans introduced several cultivated vegetables, many of which remain staples today: artichokes, broccoli, onions, leeks, garlic, and fennel, a major ingredient in sauces and soups. They also had access to more exotic vegetables, such as skirret and sea kale. Fruits like apples, pears, apricots, cherries, and grapes were all enjoyed by the Romans, who also ate wild berries. Nuts and honey were also popular.<\/p>\n

Types of Dishes<\/h2>\n

Unlike today, where meals are generally eaten separately, the Romans often ate several dishes at once. This was served in the form of a ‘cena’, a large and luxurious dinner. Food was cooked in pots, stewed in sauces, or roasted on spits. They also baked a variety of breads, cakes, and biscuits.
\nMany foods that are considered luxury items today were probably accessible to most citizens in the Roman Empire. Foods such pancakes, cheeses, honey cakes, and sausages were all available, as well as sweets, dried fruit, and nuts.
\nThe Roman gourmets did not shy away from either exotic ingredients or clever presentation. They sometimes served dishes in the shape of animals, such as a dolphin made from eggs and cheese. They also ate large fish, such as sturgeon and salmon, stuffed with spices and herbs.<\/p>\n

Food Preparation<\/h2>\n

In Roman households, the head women was in charge of meals and food preparation. Once the food was obtained from the market, the head woman – or often one of her servants – would create a variety of dishes for the cena. Spices and herbs were the main ingredients for seasoning, and many dishes contained wine or honey for sweetness.
\nThe Romans also used many dairy products in their cooking such as cheese, milk and butter. The most popular of these was cheese, which was often added to salads, sauces and stews, as well as desserts.<\/p>\n

Religion and Food<\/h2>\n

The ancient Romans often believed that food was a form of offering to their gods. Every meal began with an offering to the gods and a prayer, and some foods were forbidden during religious festivals. They also celebrated certain holidays with special meals intended to honor their gods.
\nIn addition to religious holidays, the Romans also celebrated birthdays and weddings with special feasts. At such banquets, it was common for guests to indulge in eating, drinking, and entertainment.<\/p>\n

Food Culture <\/h2>\n