{"id":8638,"date":"2023-10-30T04:15:11","date_gmt":"2023-10-30T03:15:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8638"},"modified":"2023-10-30T04:15:11","modified_gmt":"2023-10-30T03:15:11","slug":"what-were-architectural-innovations-of-the-ancient-romans","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-were-architectural-innovations-of-the-ancient-romans\/","title":{"rendered":"What Were Architectural Innovations Of The Ancient Romans"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Ancient Romans left an enduring legacy, particularly in the field of architecture. From their practical achievements, such as roads and irrigation systems, to the iconic Pantheon and Colosseum, the glorious monuments they built still stand today. It has been said the Romans chose to build the cities of Rome and Constantinople without restrictions, carving them through nature and bending them to their will. The Romans were some of the most accomplished architects in human history.<\/p>\n

Before Rome, there were virtually no template designs for constructing a city, instead, towns and cities grew organic formations over hundreds of years. Rome was a purpose built, grid-based city, largely influenced by Greek geometric concepts, with overlapping streets and rectangular neighbourhoods. This meant that it could be easily traversed and its locations easily memorized. It was also much easier to delimit land, develop water channels and divert rivers, so that life could be sustained in the city. This groundbreaking innovation by the Romans allowed far faster growth than ever before.<\/p>\n

The natural valleys between the seven hills of Rome were crucial to the success of the city, providing an easily defended boundary. It is known that the ancient Romans were adept at engineering large structures, such as aqueducts, roads, arches and bridges. For example, the Aqua Claudia, the Roman aqueduct stretching 36 miles across the Appennino mountains near Rome, successfully delivered clean, safe water to the city for hundreds of years. The Appennino Aqueduct, with its multiple tiers and elegant curves, is a masterful example of Ancient Roman engineering.<\/p>\n

The iconic, domed Pantheon and Colosseum are, without question, two of the greatest architectural achievements in the world. The Pantheon’s open-air interior and its impressively perfect dome shape have inspired modern architectural engineering for millennia. The building is considered such an example of the excellence of this period in architecture that it has inspired and featured in the work of scholars, architects, and theorists since the Renaissance. The Colosseum, Rome’s magnificent elliptical amphitheater, could seat an audience of as many as 45,000 people. Its innovative construction made use of carbonate concrete, a material that was stronger and faster than building with stone.<\/p>\n