{"id":8633,"date":"2023-11-15T07:36:00","date_gmt":"2023-11-15T06:36:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8633"},"modified":"2023-11-15T07:36:00","modified_gmt":"2023-11-15T06:36:00","slug":"what-was-the-meaning-of-life-for-the-ancient-romans","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-the-meaning-of-life-for-the-ancient-romans\/","title":{"rendered":"What Was The Meaning Of Life For The Ancient Romans"},"content":{"rendered":"

Understanding the Meaning of Life in Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

It’s an age-old question that we still grapple with today: what is the meaning of life? For Romans in the ancient world, there were several different answers – with many of their attitudes hinged on the idea of living in honor. Ancient Romans were eager to fulfill their duties to family, state, andthe gods in the hopes of becoming respected and thus, achieving eternal glory.<\/p>\n

The ancient Roman life was a mixture of both blessings and hardships, with fate often being a major determinant. Non-nobles had a greater degree of personal freedom than in other ancient cultures, while a combination of strong laws and customs controlled the lives of citizens across all ranks of society. The concept of honor, or ‘gloria’, was especially important to the Romans and helped to define what it meant to be part of a noble family.<\/p>\n

To Romans, the foundation of this concept of honor was firstly found in the family. Many Roman fathers had absolute power over family members, so to live a life with honor was to abide by the head of the household and ‘observe religious and moral obligations to his ancestors and family’. Additionally, Roman citizens believed in the power of their gods, as each citizen was devoted to fulfilling the religious obligations from birth. Beyond that, Romans also sought to honor their state, which meant engaging in the politics of the time period in order to ‘obtain an office or other distinction in the service of the state’.<\/p>\n

But why was it important for the Romans to seek honor? Essentially, by living an honorable life, they would become respected by their peers, as well as by their gods. One Roman writer provides a clear description of this goal: “Whoever strives most eagerly tofulfill his share of important tasks, making it his priority to win glory and distinction in everything that he does and achieves–he alone can lay claim to true life”. This demonstrates how the ancient Roman concept of earning glory, or ‘fama’, was intertwined with the pursuit of honor and was something citizens strived to attain.<\/p>\n