{"id":8627,"date":"2023-12-05T03:00:32","date_gmt":"2023-12-05T02:00:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8627"},"modified":"2023-12-05T03:00:32","modified_gmt":"2023-12-05T02:00:32","slug":"when-did-the-ancient-romans-invent-concrete","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/when-did-the-ancient-romans-invent-concrete\/","title":{"rendered":"When Did The Ancient Romans Invent Concrete"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Ancient Romans were an incredibly inventive people and had many achievements. Concrete or ‘opus caementicium’ was one of their most impressive accomplishments and it proved to be an incredibly powerful material with tremendous potential.<\/p>\n

It is believed that the first concrete was used in 500 BC and then perfected in 200 BC by the Ancient Romans. The material was said to be made from a mix of quicklime, pozzolana, and water. Quicklime, or calcium oxide, is an alkaline material that helps to form limestone when exposed to water. Pozzolana is a volcanic ash created from volcanic ash and clay that is used as an aggregate material in concrete. When wet, pozzolana creates a cement-like material that binds the components of concrete together.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans were familiar with natural stone and pottery and believed that concrete could be used to build structures. They then went on to develop a new type of concrete, which had far superior workability to natural stone. This new, more advanced form of concrete could be used to make structures which were far more durable, and would also hold up in buildings that underwent earthquakes. This is due to the fact that the primary components of concrete, lime, quicklime and pozzolana, are chemically combined, meaning that when subjected to vibrations, the components will become closer together and this reduces the risk of fracturing, unlike natural stone.<\/p>\n

This advanced cement was able to be moulded into various shapes, making it possible for the ancient Romans to create buildings that were more aesthetically pleasing, such as the Pantheon in Rome. The use of concrete also allowed them to create complex shapes, such as vaults and domes.<\/p>\n