{"id":8623,"date":"2023-10-22T00:15:13","date_gmt":"2023-10-21T23:15:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8623"},"modified":"2023-10-22T00:15:13","modified_gmt":"2023-10-21T23:15:13","slug":"what-year-were-the-ancient-romans-around","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-year-were-the-ancient-romans-around\/","title":{"rendered":"What Year Were The Ancient Romans Around"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Roman Civilization <\/h2>\n

The Ancient Romans are known famously throughout history and folklore for their powerful nation that echoed its rise and fall as one of the greatest empires of its time. Spanning from the 8th century or earlier all the way up to approximately 476 AD, the Ancient Roman civilization was one of the longest standing and most successful in the world. <\/p>\n

The Roman Republic was founded in 753 BC, believed by many to be the true birth of the Roman empire. During this time, Rome was ruled by a senate of elected officials and generals who, although powerful, shared power with the citizens and allowed them a much larger say in Roman politics than had ever been seen before. This period is known for its ‘republican’ atmosphere, whereby the citizens votes themselves and created their own laws and elected their own officials.<\/p>\n

The Romans reached their peak in 27 BC when the Roman General Augustus took over and created the ‘Roman Empire.’ During this time, Rome held a large part of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Augustus spread and enforced Roman law, built roads, taxed the wealthy, and made sure no foreigner was allowed to take rule over the empire.<\/p>\n

Moreover, the ancient civilization of Rome also made great strides in architecture and engineering. This period was known for its colossal monuments, grand temples, and multi-level arches and aqueducts—all of which were constructed under the guidance of the highly advanced engineering and mathematical minds of the ancient Roman world.<\/p>\n