{"id":8544,"date":"2023-11-03T13:35:17","date_gmt":"2023-11-03T12:35:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8544"},"modified":"2023-11-03T13:35:17","modified_gmt":"2023-11-03T12:35:17","slug":"what-would-ancient-romans-and-greeks-wear","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-would-ancient-romans-and-greeks-wear\/","title":{"rendered":"What Would Ancient Romans And Greeks Wear"},"content":{"rendered":"

What Would Ancient Romans and Greeks Wear?<\/em> Ancient Roman and Greek fashion and clothing has always intrigued and captivated people since time immemorial. People today have wondered what the ancient Romans and Greeks wore and have tried to recreate their look. It is believed that the clothing of the ancient Romans and Greeks was part of their culture, and helped them to identify themselves within society. It is also thought that the way they dressed was an expression of their beliefs and values.<\/p>\n

Clothing in the ancient world was usually made from natural materials like wool, linen and cotton. Ancient Romans and Greeks wore clothing tailored to the hot climate of the Mediterranean region. Men would typically wear a tunic which was a short-sleeved shirt with a belt, or shorter for summer and would usually be made of wool. The tunic reached mid-calf and resembled a dress. Women typically wore longer chitons, which was a sleeveless garment with a length of between the ankles and knees. Over this they would wear a heavier mantle, which was like a cloak.<\/p>\n

It was common for wealthier people to have clothing made of finer materials such as silk, which was imported from India and Persia. It was also rare for both men and women of this class to wear jewelry and not just make-up. For example, women would typically adorn their garments with accessories like studs, brooches and necklaces. Jewels were mostly used to decorate dresses made of silk. Colours were also important as the wealthy would differentiate themselves from the lower classes by wearing clothes with purple or scarlet.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans and Greeks also used colours to identify themselves within society, such as the dark blue worn by Roman patricians and senators. In the Greek world, there were also differences between the clothing of the rich, middle and lower classes. For example, the poor would typically wear much simpler clothes, often in dull colours and plain fabrics, whereas those of a higher status would generally have clothing with brighter colours and more embellishments.<\/p>\n