{"id":8539,"date":"2023-12-02T20:55:10","date_gmt":"2023-12-02T19:55:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=8539"},"modified":"2023-12-02T20:55:10","modified_gmt":"2023-12-02T19:55:10","slug":"why-did-the-ancient-romans-spit-at-people","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/why-did-the-ancient-romans-spit-at-people\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Did The Ancient Romans Spit At People"},"content":{"rendered":"

Background Information<\/h2>\n

Spitting as an expression of contempt, derision or disgust dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Romans particularly, who had a custom of spitting at people they perceived as inferior, have passed down the phrase ‘spit in somebody’s face’ as an insult. <\/p>\n

This phrase has been popularized by films, books and songs and has evolved over time, with the act of spitting becoming antiquated. But why were spitting and the phrase, ‘spit in somebody’s face’, ever so important to the Romans? <\/p>\n

Spitting in Ancient Rome<\/h2>\n

In Ancient Rome, people of a lower class, including slaves and freedmen, were expected to show deference to people of higher status, either by looking down or by averting their gaze. In some cases, they would even walk around either barefoot or on their knees to show their subservience. <\/p>\n

Spitting was a sign of outright disrespect and an insult for those of lower class. It was a way of shaming those people, acting as a reminder that the higher-class person was superior and in control. It showed anger, lack of respect and disdain – all in one single simple act.<\/p>\n

Ancient Roman Punishments<\/h2>\n