{"id":4963,"date":"2023-04-09T08:12:19","date_gmt":"2023-04-09T07:12:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4963"},"modified":"2023-04-09T08:12:19","modified_gmt":"2023-04-09T07:12:19","slug":"what-breed-of-horses-used-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-breed-of-horses-used-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What breed of horses used in ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

There is evidence that a wide variety of horse breeds were used in ancient Rome, including the Sorraia, a wild horse breed from Portugal. The Scythians, who were based in present-day Russia, were known for their excellent horsemanship, and they were likely responsible for introducing the hardy 2009 ponies to the Romans. These ponies were bred for military use and were tough enough to carry a rider while wearing armor.<\/p>\n

There is no definitive answer to this question as ancient Rome was a vast empire and different regions would have used different breeds of horses. However, some of the more common breeds of horses used in ancient Rome included the Barb, the Libyan, and the Numidian.<\/p>\n

What were Roman horses like? <\/h2>\n

The robust Roman horse was characterized by a slightly convex profile, broad forehead, small and firmly attached ears, large eyes, neck a little thick but with plenty of curvature, long and thick mane, well developed withers, shoulder rather short, robust forearm, strong knees, and slightly rounded cannons.<\/p>\n

Caligula’s horse, Incitatus, was a famous animal in ancient Rome. According to legend, Caligula planned to make the horse a consul, although ancient sources are clear that this did not occur. Nonetheless, the horse was well-known and loved by the people of Rome.<\/p>\n

What size were horses in ancient Rome <\/h3>\n