{"id":4755,"date":"2023-04-07T04:04:09","date_gmt":"2023-04-07T03:04:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4755"},"modified":"2023-04-07T04:04:09","modified_gmt":"2023-04-07T03:04:09","slug":"what-is-ancient-rome-most-famous-for","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-is-ancient-rome-most-famous-for\/","title":{"rendered":"What is ancient rome most famous for?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome was a major political and cultural center in the Mediterranean region during the height of the Roman Empire. The Empire reached its maximum extent under Emperor Trajan (r. 98–117), when it encompassed an area that extended from Britain and Spain in the west to the Persian Gulf in the east. The empire was renowned for its military power, engineering achievements, and architecture, as well as its legal system, which formed the basis of modern civil law. Ancient Rome also played a significant role in the development of Western art, literature, and philosophy.<\/p>\n

There are many things that Ancient Rome is famous for. Some of the most famous are: the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, the Romanforum, the Roman baths, the Colosseum, aqueducts, and the list goes on.<\/p>\n

What are 5 things the Romans are most famous for? <\/h2>\n

The Romans were responsible for many things that we take for granted today. Here are 13 things that they did for us:<\/p>\n

1. Fast food – The Romans were the first to introduce street stalls and ‘food on the move’ as we might think of it today.<\/p>\n