{"id":4749,"date":"2023-04-07T03:04:52","date_gmt":"2023-04-07T02:04:52","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4749"},"modified":"2023-04-07T03:04:52","modified_gmt":"2023-04-07T02:04:52","slug":"what-are-the-hills-of-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-are-the-hills-of-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What are the hills of ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancestral Rome was built on seven hills: the Aventine Hill, the Caelian Hill, the Capitoline Hill, the Esquiline Hill, the Viminal Hill, the Quirinal Hill, and the Palatine Hill. These hills were inhabited by the earliest Romans, who originally settled on the Palatine Hill. The first and most important shrine in Rome, the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, was built on the Capitoline Hill.<\/p>\n

There are seven hills of ancient Rome: the Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal hills.<\/p>\n

What are the hills in Rome called? <\/h2>\n

The city of Romulus was the original city of Rome, founded by the titular founder of Rome, Romulus. The city was built atop Palatine Hill, which is one of seven hills in Rome. The other hills are the Capitoline, Quirinal, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian, and Aventine. These hills are all known for their historical and cultural significance in Rome.<\/p>\n

The Seven Hills of Rome are: Palatine Hill, Capitoline Hill, Aventine Hill, Caelian Hill, Esquiline Hill, Quirinal Hill, Viminal Hill.<\/p>\n

What do the 7 hills of Rome represent <\/h3>\n