{"id":4681,"date":"2023-04-06T10:20:38","date_gmt":"2023-04-06T09:20:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4681"},"modified":"2023-04-06T10:20:38","modified_gmt":"2023-04-06T09:20:38","slug":"what-has-ancient-rome-done-for-us","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-has-ancient-rome-done-for-us\/","title":{"rendered":"What has ancient rome done for us?"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you take a look around, it’s not hard to find evidence of the Roman Empire. It’s in the way we speak, the way we think, and the way we organize our societies. Sure, the Roman Empire fell a long time ago. But its impact on the world can still be seen today. Here are just a few ways that ancient Rome has shaped the world we live in today.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans have left a lasting legacy on the world which can be seen in many different ways. One of the most significant ways is through their architecture and engineering. The Colosseum, for example, is one of the most iconic buildings in the world and is a testament to the skill of Roman architects and engineers. Other examples include the Pantheon and the aqueducts which are both still in use today. The Roman legal system is another area where their legacy can still be seen. The concept of law and justice was codified by the Romans and many of their laws are still used as the basis for modern legal systems. Roman roads and infrastructure are also still in use in many parts of the world. In sum, the legacy of the ancient Romans can be seen in many different aspects of the world today.<\/p>\n

What things have the Romans done for us? <\/h2>\n

The Romans were responsible for many things that we take for granted today. They were the first to introduce street stalls and fast food, as well as advertising and trademarks. They also developed plumbing and sanitation systems, and their architecture and roads have had a lasting impact on our world.<\/p>\n

The United States Constitution was heavily influenced by the Roman Republic. Many of the features of our Constitution, including the system of checks and balances, the bicameral legislature, term limits, and age requirements, were inspired by Rome. In some cases, the Founders even copied terminology directly from the Roman constitution, using words like senate, capitol, and committee.<\/p>\n

What are 3 things we get from ancient Rome <\/h3>\n