{"id":4139,"date":"2023-03-31T19:28:38","date_gmt":"2023-03-31T18:28:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4139"},"modified":"2023-03-31T19:28:38","modified_gmt":"2023-03-31T18:28:38","slug":"what-did-the-patricians-in-ancient-rome-wear","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-did-the-patricians-in-ancient-rome-wear\/","title":{"rendered":"What did the patricians in ancient rome wear?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The ancient Romans were a sophisticated people who excelled in many areas, including their sense of style. The patricians were the wealthier class of citizens in Rome and they took great pride in their appearance. They would wear the finest clothes and jewelry and often carried purses filled with coins. They were also very well-educated and could speak several languages.<\/p>\n

Patrician men in ancient Rome typically wore a toga, a garment made of a large piece of cloth that was draped over the body in a specific way. The toga was usually white, although certain occasions called for a toga of a different color. Patrician women usually wore a stola, a long dress with sleeves, and a palla, a large shawl.<\/p>\n

What did patricians and plebeians wear? <\/h2>\n

Roman clothing distinguished the different social classes in ancient Rome. The material and color of one’s clothing indicated their social status. For example, plebeians wore dark-colored tunics made of inexpensive materials, while patricians wore white tunics made of expensive linen or fine wool. Silk was a rare and expensive material at the time, so it was only worn by the wealthiest citizens.<\/p>\n

The toga was a loose, draped outer garment worn by Roman citizens. It was adopted by the Romans from the Etruscans, and was originally worn by both sexes of all classes. However, it was gradually abandoned by women, then by labouring people, and finally by the patricians themselves.<\/p>\n

What did male patricians wear <\/h3>\n