{"id":4057,"date":"2023-03-30T23:09:29","date_gmt":"2023-03-30T22:09:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=4057"},"modified":"2023-03-30T23:09:29","modified_gmt":"2023-03-30T22:09:29","slug":"was-ancient-greece-before-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/was-ancient-greece-before-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"Was ancient greece before ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Yes, ancient Greece was before ancient Rome. Greece is a peninsula located off the southern end of the Balkan peninsula, and Rome is located on the Italian peninsula. Greece is considered to be the birthplace of Western civilization, and Rome is considered to be the birthplace of the Roman Republic.<\/p>\n

Yes, Ancient Greece was before Ancient Rome.<\/p>\n

What came first Greek or Roman? <\/h2>\n

Greek mythology is a collection of stories and legends that were passed down for generations. Many of these stories were written down by Homer, a famous Greek poet. The Iliad, one of Homer’s most famous works, is a story about the Trojan War, which is thought to have taken place around 1200 BC. This means that the Iliad was written down around 700 years before the first Roman civilization came into existence. This is just one example of how Greek mythology predates Roman mythology by over 1,000 years.<\/p>\n

The Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean civilisations were all important cultures that existed prior to ancient Greece. Each one had its own unique features, but all three were influential in shaping the Greek civilisation that followed.<\/p>\n

What was before ancient Rome <\/h3>\n