{"id":3991,"date":"2023-03-30T06:03:46","date_gmt":"2023-03-30T05:03:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=3991"},"modified":"2023-03-30T06:03:46","modified_gmt":"2023-03-30T05:03:46","slug":"was-ancient-rome-civilized","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/was-ancient-rome-civilized\/","title":{"rendered":"Was ancient rome civilized?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome was a major power in the Mediterranean region for over two centuries. Through trade and conquest, Rome became one of the most civilized societies of its time. Major advances in architecture, engineering, and politics were made under Roman rule. The fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD allowed for the spread of civilization to other parts of Europe.<\/p>\n

The answer to this question is complicated and depends on how one defines “civilized.” Generally speaking, ancient Rome was a highly developed society with a rich culture. They had a complex political system, a thriving economy, and impressive architectural feats. However, some might argue that their treatment of women and slaves was barbaric and thus disqualifies them from being considered “civilized.”<\/p>\n

Were the Romans really civilized? <\/h2>\n

The Roman Empire was built on brute force and military strength. Local inhabitants obeyed Roman rule because the alternative was often too horrible to consider. Although it may have seemed civilized to certain people at certain times, the reality is that the Roman Empire was built on violence and intimidation.<\/p>\n

Ancient Roman civilization emerged in the centuries after 800 BCE. The Roman Empire lasted from about 30 BCE to 476 CE. The ancient Romans built one of the greatest empires in world history. However, the empire was not the only source of Roman power and influence. Roman civilization was also a product of the long process of development that took place in the centuries after 800 BCE.<\/p>\n

Why is ancient Rome considered a civilization <\/h3>\n