{"id":3275,"date":"2023-03-22T20:05:47","date_gmt":"2023-03-22T19:05:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=3275"},"modified":"2023-03-22T20:05:47","modified_gmt":"2023-03-22T19:05:47","slug":"how-quickly-could-a-modern-army-conquer-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/how-quickly-could-a-modern-army-conquer-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"How quickly could a modern army conquer ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

It is impossible to know for certain how quickly a modern army could conquer ancient Rome, as there are too many variables to consider. For example, it would depend on the size and strength of the army, as well as the willingness of the ancient Romans to fight. If the ancient Romans were unwilling to put up a strong resistance, a modern army could conquer Rome relatively quickly. However, if the ancient Romans were determined to defend their city, it could take much longer for a modern army to conquer Rome.<\/p>\n

A modern army could conquer ancient Rome quite quickly. The Roman army was no match for the grenades, guns, and tanks of a modern army. The Roman army was also not used to fighting an enemy that was able to move so quickly and strike from such a distance.<\/p>\n

Could you destroy the entire Roman Empire with one US Marine battalion? <\/h2>\n

Goldsworthy’s argument is that the MEU would not be able to win a prolonged war against the Roman Empire, but they could cause significant damage. This could include destabilizing the empire, encouraging civil war, and causing regional fracturing. While the MEU would eventually be defeated, they could still cause significant damage and chaos in the meantime.<\/p>\n

This is a very interesting idea, and it’s definitely possible that Special Forces Units could take out the Roman Army from within. However, it’s also possible that the Roman Army would be able to adapt and learn from their mistakes. Either way, it would be a very close and exciting battle!<\/p>\n

Could a medieval army beat a Roman army <\/h3>\n