{"id":3127,"date":"2023-03-21T07:05:25","date_gmt":"2023-03-21T06:05:25","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=3127"},"modified":"2023-03-21T07:05:25","modified_gmt":"2023-03-21T06:05:25","slug":"what-was-the-name-of-the-religion-of-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/what-was-the-name-of-the-religion-of-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"What was the name of the religion of ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Religion played an important role in the lives of ancient Romans. The name of the religion of ancient Rome was Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholicism was based on the belief in one God who created the world and all that exists in it. This God was believed to be the source of all power and goodness. Christians believed in the Bible as the authoritative source of religious teachings.<\/p>\n

The religion of ancient Rome was called “Roman Religion.”<\/p>\n

Is there a name for Roman religion? <\/h2>\n

The Roman religion was polytheistic and focused on a pantheon of gods and goddesses. The most important gods were Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. Roman religion also had a strong focus on ancestor worship and festivals. One of the most important festivals was the Saturnalia, which was held in December and honored the god Saturn.<\/p>\n

From its earliest days, ancient Rome was polytheistic. This meant they believed in many gods and spirits, each with their own vital role to play. But the nature of Roman religion inevitably evolved throughout the centuries of the empire.<\/p>\n

Who did the Romans worship <\/h3>\n