{"id":2780,"date":"2023-03-17T17:07:50","date_gmt":"2023-03-17T16:07:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=2780"},"modified":"2023-03-17T17:07:50","modified_gmt":"2023-03-17T16:07:50","slug":"did-ancient-rome-and-ancient-greece-overlap","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/did-ancient-rome-and-ancient-greece-overlap\/","title":{"rendered":"Did ancient rome and ancient greece overlap?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC, while the first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. So, there was some overlap between ancient Rome and ancient Greece, but not a lot.<\/p>\n

There is some debate on the exact timeline, but ancient Rome and ancient Greece definitely had some overlap.<\/p>\n

Did ancient Greece coexist with ancient Rome? <\/h2>\n

The period of classical antiquity is a time of great achievement in art, literature, and philosophy. It is also a time of great political upheaval, with the rise and fall of the great empires of Greece and Rome. This period is generally considered to span from about 500 BCE to 400 CE.<\/p>\n

The Romans were greatly influenced by the Greeks in many different areas of life. The most notable areas where the Romans gained from the Greek influence are trade, banking, administration, art, literature, philosophy and earth science. In the last century BC, it was essential for every wealthy young man to study in Athens or Rhodes and perfect their knowledge of rhetoric at the large schools of philosophy. The Romans were able to take what they learned from the Greeks and apply it to their own culture, creating a unique and powerful empire.<\/p>\n

What came first ancient Greece or Rome <\/h3>\n