{"id":2657,"date":"2023-03-16T10:08:12","date_gmt":"2023-03-16T09:08:12","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=2657"},"modified":"2023-03-16T10:08:12","modified_gmt":"2023-03-16T09:08:12","slug":"how-long-did-it-take-to-travel-in-ancient-rome","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/how-long-did-it-take-to-travel-in-ancient-rome\/","title":{"rendered":"How long did it take to travel in ancient rome?"},"content":{"rendered":"

How long did it take to travel in ancient Rome? Rome was a large and sprawling empire, and it could take a long time to travel from one end to the other. The most common way to travel was by foot, and even the fastest pedestrians could only cover about 15 miles a day. That means it would take at least a month to walk from one side of the empire to the other. If you were lucky enough to have a horse or a donkey, you could cover a bit more ground, but even then you would only be able to travel about 30 miles a day. So, if you were trying to travel from Rome to the far reaches of the empire, it could take you several weeks, or even months.<\/p>\n

travel in ancient Rome was quite slow by today’s standards. It is estimated that the average speed of travel then was about one mile per hour.<\/p>\n

How long did travel take in ancient Rome? <\/h2>\n

The core of the empire was the most heavily populated and developed region, while the fringes were more sparsely populated and less developed. Travelling within the core would have been much quicker and easier than travelling to the fringes.<\/p>\n

Although the average daily distance covered by people during the time period covered by most estimates would have varied widely, most estimates indicate that the average daily distance covered was in the range of 6 to 16 km (approximately 37 – 9 miles).<\/p>\n

How long did it take to travel from ancient Rome to Egypt <\/h3>\n