{"id":2327,"date":"2023-03-12T22:16:10","date_gmt":"2023-03-12T21:16:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=2327"},"modified":"2023-03-12T22:16:10","modified_gmt":"2023-03-12T21:16:10","slug":"where-did-ancient-rome-settle","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/where-did-ancient-rome-settle\/","title":{"rendered":"Where did ancient rome settle?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ancient Rome was one of the great ancient civilizations. Like other great ancient civilizations, Rome had its own origins. Unlike other great ancient civilizations, Rome’s origins are not shrouded in myth and legend but are well-known and widely accepted by historians. Rome was founded in 753 BCE by its namesake, Romulus. Rome is thought to have grown from a small city-state on the Tiber River known as Latium. According to legend, Romulus had a twin brother named Remus. As infants, they were abandoned in the area which would become Rome. They were raised by a she-wolf who nursed them back to health. When they were grown, Romulus killed Remus and is said to have then founded Rome.<\/p>\n

The Roman Republic was established in the city of Rome in 509 BCE. Rome soon became an important center of trade and politics in the Mediterranean region. In the late republic, Rome began to expand its territory by conquering new lands. By the end of the republic, Rome controlled all of Italy south of the River Po. In the 1st century BCE, Rome also conquered lands in present-day Spain, France, Switzerland, and Croatia.<\/p>\n

Where did ancient Romans settle? <\/h2>\n

The earliest Roman settlers called themselves Latins and probably migrated from Central Asia. The Latins were farmers and shepherds who wandered into Italy across the Alps around 1000 BCE. They settled on either side of the Tiber River in a region they called Latium.<\/p>\n

The Senate and Octavian’s supporters came to a compromise, known as the First Settlement. Octavian was given proconsular authority over the Western half and Syria—the provinces that, combined, contained almost 70% of the Roman legions. The Senate also gave him the titles Augustus and Princeps.<\/p>\n

Where did Romans originally come from <\/h3>\n