{"id":2311,"date":"2023-03-12T18:34:17","date_gmt":"2023-03-12T17:34:17","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=2311"},"modified":"2023-03-12T18:34:17","modified_gmt":"2023-03-12T17:34:17","slug":"did-ancient-rome-ever-fight-sparta","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/did-ancient-rome-ever-fight-sparta\/","title":{"rendered":"Did ancient rome ever fight sparta?"},"content":{"rendered":"

It’s a question that’s been debated by historians for years – did ancient Rome ever actually fight Sparta? There is evidence to suggest that the two great powers may have come into conflict at some point in history, but the jury is still out on whether this was actually the case.<\/p>\n

No, ancient Rome and Sparta never fought each other in battle.<\/p>\n

When did the Romans fight the Spartans? <\/h2>\n

The Laconian War of 195 BC was fought between the Greek city-state of Sparta and a coalition composed of Rome, the Achaean League, Pergamum, Rhodes, and Macedon. The war was fought in Laconia and the Argolid, and ended with the victory of the anti-Spartan coalition.<\/p>\n

Sparta was one of the most popular tourist attractions for the Romans. The disciplined lifestyle of the Spartans was something that the Romans admired and wanted to see for themselves. Augustus, the first emperor of Rome, even visited Sparta and ate in one of the communal mess halls. Hadrian, another famous Roman emperor, visited Sparta twice and was even elected patronomos, an official charged with upholding ancient customs.<\/p>\n

Who was Rome’s greatest rival <\/h3>\n