{"id":2012,"date":"2023-03-08T06:41:08","date_gmt":"2023-03-08T05:41:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/?p=2012"},"modified":"2023-03-08T06:41:08","modified_gmt":"2023-03-08T05:41:08","slug":"how-long-were-the-ancient-romans-around","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.learnancientrome.com\/how-long-were-the-ancient-romans-around\/","title":{"rendered":"How long were the ancient romans around?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The ancient Romans were around for over two thousand years. They were a major force in the world for most of that time. The Roman Empire was one of the largest empires in history. It was, at its height, the most powerful force in the world.<\/p>\n

The ancient Romans were around for a long time. They were around for over two thousand years.<\/p>\n

How many years did the Roman Empire exist? <\/h2>\n

The Roman Empire was one of the most influential civilisations in the world. It was a major political and economic power during its time. The Roman Empire lasted for over a 1000 years and left a lasting legacy. The Roman Empire was a major cultural force in the Western world and its influence can still be seen today.<\/p>\n

Ancient Rome was one of the most powerful empires in the world for centuries. It was founded around 2,500 years ago and reached the peak of its power around 700 BC to AD 476. At its height, the Roman Empire controlled more than 45 million people across Europe, North Africa, and Asia.<\/p>\n

Which empire lasted the longest <\/h3>\n